The data will be useful in adjusting hospital capacity directives

The governor issued an executive order last Tuesday that requires hospitals to report (daily): 

  • Number of inpatient COVID-19 positive patients;

  • Number of ventilators in use by COVID-19 positive patients;

  • Number of ICU beds in use by COVID-19 positive patients;

  • Number of COVID-19 positive patients discharged; and

  • The estimated number of N95 masks, surgical masks, face shields and surgical gowns used per day.

These data will be valuable to the county health departments as they continue to manage the epidemic.

Perhaps the new data will be used to develop a more refined Executive Order regarding the cancellation of elective procedures (to provide patients and hospitals some relief). For example, the E.O. could be changed to require elective procedures to be canceled when a hospital reaches 85% capacity.

The Order says that the data needs to be reported to the ADHS daily. The data is posted on the ADHS COVID-19 website.