COVID has turned our working environments upside down, and many of us may be looking for a way to transition to another role in our organizations or to gain new skills to improve our potential in the job market.

UArizona is offering a Master’s Degree in research for social change called Program Design & Evaluation.  This fully on-line graduate degree offers 7.5 week courses that are tailored for people who cannot meet for class at a specific time and need schedule flexibility.  The faculty bring a rich depth and breadth of expertise in community-based participatory and action research to each course.

This degree can be completed in 2 years and is price competitive with other online graduate degrees.  Many students approach their organizations to use tuition support or reimbursement programs to help with cost.

Enroll now to start classes this September! Enrollments will be every fall and spring. Please consider this opportunity for you, your staff or colleagues and share this email widely.   For more information, visit the program site. You can also contact the Director of Graduate Studies, Dr. Beth Meyerson at [email protected]“>DGSSI[email protected].