Last week the US Department of Health and Human Services proposed a new rule that would reduce red tape and streamline administrative processes to help children, older adults, people with disabilities, and others from underserved communities connect to health care coverage through Medicaid and CHIP.
This proposed rule follows President Biden’s executive orders in April 2022 and January 2021 directing federal agencies to take action to expand affordable, quality health coverage, including by strengthening Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act.
This rule would standardize eligibility and enrollment policies like limiting renewals to once every 12 months, allowing applicants 30 days to respond to information requests, requiring prepopulated renewal forms, and establishing clear, consistent renewal processes across states.
The proposed rule also removes some administrative hurdles for people who do not have – but are eligible for – Medicaid (AHCCCS) and CHIP (KidsCare).
It also simplies enrollment for Medicare Savings Programs, which permit Medicaid to pay Medicare premiums or cost sharing for Medicare beneficiaries with lower incomes.
There will be a 60-day comment period, and comments on the notice of proposed rulemaking must be submitted to the Federal Register no later than November 7, 2022. For more information on how to submit comments or to review the rule in its entirety, visit the Federal Register.