Perhaps now that we have new leadership in the Governor’s Office you also have a renewed interest in serving on one of the many Boards and Commissions in Arizona? Serving on a board or commission gives you a chance to make a significant contribution to the governance of Arizona by lending your experience, judgment, and ability. Here’s some background about ways you can serve.
Board & Commissions are independent bodies consisting of members who are appointed by Governor Hobbs (there are a few exceptions however). Appointments are created statute enacted in the State Legislature or by an Executive Order.
There Are 220 Active Boards & Commissions in Arizona:
Boards and Commissions List
There are two types of boards and commissions: regulatory and advisory. Regulatory boards oversee the licensing, handle complaints, and enforce disciplinary actions of individuals or industries that fall within the jurisdiction of the board’s authority. For example, a complaint filed by a patient against a physician would be reviewed, investigated, and appropriately acted upon by the Arizona Medical Board.
Advisory boards, develop policy and makes recommendations to public officials on how to address specific issues. For example, the Civil Rights Advisory Board investigates and holds hearings on infringements of Arizona civil rights laws and then advises the civil rights division of the Attorney General’s Office.
Time commitment varies depending on the board. Most boards meet once a month for four to six hours, with some added preparatory work needed. However, there are many boards that meet quarterly or even as little as twice a year. Most Board members serve terms that range from two to seven years for most boards and commissions, while other members serve ‘At the pleasure’ of the Governor.
How to Apply
You can apply online from the Governor Hobbs’ Boards & Commissions Website. In the application you can describe the kinds of boards you’re interested in. A vacancy list is also available on the Governor’s Boards and Commissions Website which is updated monthly with current board positions.