To bring additional attention to this important public health issue, this month we will highlight at risk populations in Arizona and simple steps we can all take to decrease suicides.

American Indians have a disproportionately high rate of suicide among all Arizonans. According to the University of Arizona’s Center for Rural Health, suicide death rates in 2021 were highest among American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) people, males, and people who live in rural areas. 

The Arizona Department of Education’s Office of Indian Education is encouraging individuals to check on others and know how to reach out for help.

It can be scary to discuss suicide. It is a tough conversation, and one where both parties must be vulnerable. But it is also a courageous conversation and one we encourage you to have if you have any concerns.

For more information, consider calling 9-88, or chat online with someone for advice:

The majority of suicide deaths in Arizona and nationally are by firearm. Arizona has an especially difficult history with firearm deaths, as detailed in AzPHA’s recent white paper. What can we do?

See the Report: Firearm Violence in Arizona: Data to Support Prevention Policies

Gun locks are one protective factor that can help slow down someone who is suicidal. Having to find the lock for the gun, and the ammunition ideally stored elsewhere, may be enough time to stop the person from dying by suicide.

AzPHA will have more than 100 gun locks available for distribution at our February 2024 conference. We encourage you to take one and have a discussion with your family or someone else you know how owns firearms. We can all do a better job of keeping firearms safe and out of the hands of those who may be considering suicide.

It can be scary to discuss suicide. It is a tough conversation, and one where both parties must be vulnerable. But it is also a courageous conversation and one we encourage you to have if you have any concerns.

For more information, consider calling 9-88, or chat online with someone for advice: