1. Heart Disease (10,887)

  • Don’t smoke
  • Exercise regularly
  • Manage blood pressure
  • Manage cholesterol levels
  • Lower salt/alcohol use
  • Better nutrition

2. Cancer (9,644)

  • Don’t smoke
  • Eat well balanced diet
  • Physical activity
  • Get routine screenings
  • Use sunscreen/protect skin
  • Get regular checkups

3. Chronic Lower Respiratory Illnesses (2,611)

  • Don’t smoke
  • Worker safety protection
  • Keep up to date with vaccines
  • Exercise

4. Stroke (2,362)

  • Don’t smoke
  • Manage blood pressure
  • Lower alcohol use
  • Better nutrition
  • Seek treatment medication for AFIB (atrial fibrillation)
  • Regular checkups

5. Accidents (2,324)

  • Buckle up
  • Drive a safe car with airbags
  • Don’t drive under the influence
  • Avoid recreational use of pills (fentanyl)
  • In home fall prevention strategies
  • Physical activity/balance

6. Alzheimer’s (1,977)

7. Diabetes (1,750)

  • Manage the disease
  • Physical activity/nutrition
  • Don’t smoke
  • Manage blood pressure/cholesterol
  • Modest alcohol use

8. Liver Disease (1,071)

  • Getting vaccinated for Hepatitis A and B
  • Practicing good hygiene
  • Drinking alcohol in moderation
  • Use medications as directed
  • Get routine checkups with blood tests
  • Practice harm reduction if you’ve had Hep C

9. Hypertension (809)

  • Get regular checkups & take medicine as directed
  • Don’t smoke
  • Lower salt intake
  • Improve physical activity & nutrition
  • Limit alcohol

10. Heat (775)

  • Strategies to reduce homelessness
  • Increase affordable housing
  • Limit outdoor exposure to extreme heat
  • Stay hydrated

11.   Influenza/Pneumonia (686)

  • Stay up to date on all vaccines including influenza, COVID-19, pneumonia etc.
  • Get routine checkups

12.  Parkinsons (689)

13.  COVID-19 (674)

  • Get most up to date booster vaccines for COVID-19

14.  Kidney Disease (623)

  • Stay active
  • Manage diabetes
  • Take medication as directed
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Reduce salt intake
  • Don’t smoke
  • Check and control your blood sugar and blood pressure as part of your regular checkups
  • Get your kidney function checked if you have one or more of the ‘high risk’ factors: diabetes, hypertension, obesity, a family history.

15. Suicide (599)

  • Depression screening
  • Seek behavioral health help
  • Improve social connectedness
  • Identify persons at risk
  • Evidence based responses
  • Enhance life skills and resilience

16. Nutritional Deficiency (seniors – usually protein deficiency) 563

  • Eat healthy diet with enough protein
  • Manage diet as you age
  • Sufficient nutrition