The 2025 legislative session has gotten off to a slow start this year. In previous years the committees have been pretty active. No bills of public health consequence were heard last week.
This week there are a few, but not many. Here are the bills up this coming week:
House Regulatory Oversight (Tuesday 2pm)
HB2055 immunizations; requirements; exemption (AZPHA position is NO)
Declares that school/employer immunization requirements must include exemptions unless strict criteria are met that go way beyond current vaccine licensing requirements for every school required vaccine like co administration testing with combinations of vaccines, long term evaluation for cancer/infertility, 2 year post clinical trials against placebo/similar vaccine, ADHS post injuries/disease caused by vaccine, etc. It also would remove all conditions when claiming a personal exemption.
House Health (Monday 2pm)
HB2001behavioral health; temporary licensure; graduates (AZPHA Position YES)
Requires the Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners to issue temporary licenses to behavioral health graduates who are applying for an associate level license. Temporary licensees would still need to work under the direction of a fully licensed professional. Includes counseling, marriage and family therapy, social work and addiction counseling.
Public Health Related Bills So Far:
HB2001 behavioral health; temporary licensure; graduates YES
HB2012 emergency use products; employers; prohibition
HB2022 school safety; employee certification; policies NO
HB2055 immunizations; requirements; exemption NO
HB2057 parental rights; medical records
HB2058 school immunizations; exemption; adult students
HB2062 sex-based terms; laws; rules; regulations
HB2063 parental notification; school immunization exemptions
HB2125 insurance coverage; hearing aids; children YES
HB2130 claims; prior authorization; denials; contact YES
HB2145 registered sanitarians; qualifications YES
HB2159 prohibited weapon; bump-fire device; accessory YES
HB2165 SNAP; prohibited purchases; waiver YES
HB2175 claims; prior authorization; conduct YES
HB2211 severe threat order of protection YES
HB2214 failure to secure weapon; minor YES
HB2250 AHCCCS; preventative dental care YES
HB2276 legislative ratification; rulemaking; regulatory costs NO
HB2293 tobacco products; vaping; minimum age YES
HB2309 vacation rentals; short-term rentals; restrictions
HB2518 employment; prohibitions; corporation commission YES
HB2619 assault weapons; magazines; prohibition; registration YES
HB2620 firearm sales; permit verification; requirements YES
HB2621 firearm sales; transfers; background checks YES
HB2683 working conditions; heat illness; prevention YES
SB1019 photo enforcement systems; prohibition NO
SB1020 disruption; educational institution; concealed weapon NO
SB1043 homeless shelter services fund; appropriation YES
SB1044 secure behavioral health facilities YES
SB1045 secure behavioral health facilities; appropriations YES
SB1046 mental illness; prisoners; diagnosis; treatment YES
SB1125 psychologists; prescribing authority YES