This week, the new U.S. president signed an executive order titled “Unleashing American Energy,” which freezes already approved investments in electrification infrastructure. While the order claims to prioritize energy independence and economic growth, Section 7, which pauses federal investments in electrification projects, could severely undermine U.S. efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

Unleashing American Energy – The White House

Electrification is a cornerstone of transitioning to a lower-carbon economy. Investments in electric vehicle charging stations, grid modernization, and clean energy infrastructure are essential to cutting emissions from transportation and energy production—the two largest sources of greenhouse gases in the U.S. Freezing these projects halts progress on these fronts, leaving the country reliant on outdated, fossil-fuel-intensive systems.

Expanding charging networks is critical to encouraging widespread adoption. Without federal support, many rural and underserved areas will remain charging deserts, discouraging potential EV buyers and prolonging reliance on gas-powered vehicles.

The same applies to modernizing the electrical grid, which is essential for integrating renewable energy sources like wind and solar. A pause on grid upgrades delays the transition to cleaner energy and increases the risk of power outages as demand continues to rise.

By hitting pause on electrification, this executive order will leave the U.S. stuck in neutral while the rest of the world speeds ahead on the road to clean energy.