Some members of the Arizona Corporation Commission want to change how solar owners are compensated for their extra power. Any changes would be bad news for rooftop solar.

The ACC plans to vote on whether or not to consider changes at their upcoming meeting on October 11 and 12. Solar Neighbors United is hosting an action webinar next Wednesday, October 4, to rally solar supporters to make our voices heard at the ACC.

At the webinar, the SUN team and our partners in Arizona will: Explain what’s at stake; Walk you through how to participate in the ACC’s process; and Answer questions.

Webinar: Stop the attack on solar Wednesday, October 4 6 p.m. Register for the webinar

If the ACC moves forward with reevaluating solar export rates at their upcoming meeting, the future of rooftop solar in Arizona will be at risk. The ACC could slash export rates for solar. They could roll back the protections that give homeowners the confidence they need to invest in solar. Arizona’s growing solar industry would suffer.

See AZPHA Blog: Rooftop Solar Barely Survives Drastic Cut to Energy Buyback Rates (for now)