Evidence Review Reinforces Evidence that Face Masks Work
For many months now, there has been clear evidence that proper mask wearing while in public spaces is a very effective way of slowing the spread of COVID-19. A new study of studies out this week reinforces that evidence. It also establishes that good adherence to mask wearing improves economic activity (GDP). Below is an excerpt from the study.
The available evidence suggests that near-universal adoption of nonmedical masks when out in public, in combination with complementary public health measures, could successfully reduce Rt to below 1, thereby reducing community spread if such measures are sustained. Economic analysis suggests that mask wearing mandates could add 1 trillion dollars to the US GDP.
Models suggest that public mask wearing is most effective at reducing spread of the virus when compliance is high. We recommend that mask use requirements are implemented by governments.
Such mandates must be accompanied by measures to ensure access to masks, possibly including distribution and rationing mechanisms so that they do not become discriminatory. Given the value of the source control principle, especially for pre-symptomatic people, it is not sufficient for only employees to wear masks; customers must wear masks as well.
Editorial Note: Despite the clear evidence that face coverings are very effective Arizona still does not have a statewide mask mandate. A meaningful mandate that focuses on business compliance would have clearly not only slowed the spread of COVID-19 in Arizona but also would have improved economic activity.
Nevertheless, Governor Ducey and Director Christ are not interested in such an intervention. Since they are the persons vested with the authority in ARS 36-787 – Public health authority during state of emergency or state of war emergency it is clear this high return on investment evidence-based intervention will not be used in Arizona.