
WHEREAS, The Arizona Public Health Association has urged improvement in Primary Health Care Services, particularly to the medically underserved.

WHEREAS, The Early Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) Guidelines provide a comprehensive tool for the definition and delivery of services to children to the age of 22.

WHEREAS, The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) includes mechanisms for providing such services.

WHEREAS, There could be improvements in the current EPSDT program.

WHEREAS, The program does not cover all children in the State of Arizona.

RESOLVED, That the Arizona Public Health Association recommends the EPSDT Program be adopted as the standard for providing health services to all children in the State.

RESOLVED FURTHER, That that following specific recommendations be under- taken to improve the health status of children:
That AHCCCS encourage alternative mechanisms for providing EPSDT services, demand compliance from those plans, etc., providing services to the identified eligible population.

That the Plans develop linkages with other health care providers to improve participation, work with these providers to develop innovative demonstration projects, and foster communication with the plan participants and others to promote wellness.

That other providers, persons, groups, communities, counties, etc., offer alternatives to the Plans, AHCCCS, etc., to assist with improvement in EPSDT services. Private Practitioners are encouraged to improve preventive services (EPSDT).

That ADHS, AHCCCS, Plans, Counties, etc., increase communication and education efforts regarding the benefits of EPSDT for all children. Material must focus on and involve many groups: providers, clients, plans, agencies, media, etc.

That a computerized EPSDT data system be implemented initially for AHCCCS children, but with capability to expand to all children.
That AzPHA identify a cadre of individuals and agenc es with expertise in EPSDT services to be technical consultants for implementing these recommendations.

That AzPHA sponsor efforts and events which will encourage improvements in delivery of EPSDT services.

APPROVED by the AzPHA membership at Annual Business Meeting – Sept. 18,.1992

Executive Secretary

123~1992_(1)Early periodic screening diagnostic and treatment (child, healthcare, prevenative health, insurance )