State law requires all schools to check the vaccination status of their students and ensure they meet statutory requirements for attendance (e.g. are immunized with the required vaccines or has a proper exemption). Schools are also required to submit that data to the ADHS each fall (deadline is November 15). Data submission is required for Child Care/Preschool; Kindergarten; and 6th grade. ADHS is required to publish the data by school. That report comes out each Spring.

ADHS posts some aggregate tables but also a big giant spreadsheet with the vaccination rate by school. A clever parent that knows how to sort in Excel could quickly find the vaccination rate for their kid’s school. Here’s the big file with all the school data. You can look up individual school immunization rates here: ADHS – Arizona Immunization Program – State & National Immunization Coverage Data – Immunization Coverage Data

The statute requiring immunization administration and reporting makes it clear that private schools must comply See: ARS 36-671: “School” means a public, private or parochial school that offers instruction at any level or grade through twelfth grade…”

The cornucopia of new voucher micro-schools popping got me wondering… will the Arizona Department of Education & ADHS be following up to make sure the new unregulated micro schools are actually asking parents for immunization records (or an exemption form) as a condition of attendance this fall? Will they be reporting the results?

Private schools springing up as Arizona’s school voucher program grows

Established private schools have had some years to get up to speed, but the new micro and religious schools popping up overnight (and enjoying little accountability) are brand new.

Inquiring minds want to know what kind of outreach is happening to ensure compliance. Perhaps an Arizona journalist will follow up with Superintendent Horne & ADHS Director Cunico to find out!

See the Statutes:

ARS 15-871 Definition

ARS 15-872 Proof of Immunization; Noncompliance; Notice to Parents; Civil Immunity

ARS 15-873 Exemptions; Nonattendance During Outbreak

ARS 15-874 Records, Reporting Requirements

ARS 36-671 Definitions

ARS 36-672 Immunizations; department rules

ARS 36-673 Duties of local health departments; immunization; reimbursement; training; informed consent

ARS 36-674 Providing proof of immunization

Arizona Administrative Code Requirements 9-R9-6-700 through 708

school-immunization-requirements fact sheet