Maricopa County Contact Tracing Progress

All the county health departments are ramping up their contact tracing capabilities. This week I’ll focus on what Maricopa County has been doing. They have a 2 pronged approach- staffing up internally and contracting with AZ 211 for extra help.  Here’s a previous blog post on the what contact tracing entails. 

Maricopa has 52 new people who now work in their Epidemiology program to support the contact tracing investigations teams. There are an additional 27 folks in the hiring process.  Every week, new investigators begin training and become independent. Once training is complete, all investigators go full force into interviewing cases, which includes identifying every close contact while they were infectious. The detailed contact tracing is handled by Maricopa County staff while following up with close contacts is handled by the team at AZ 211, who are hiring an additional 50 tracers.  

The folks who work for AZ 211 don’t require as much training because they don’t perform an extensive investigation requiring medical knowledge nor do they have confidential information related to cases. They provide the contacts with standardized information about what symptoms to watch for, what to do if they get symptoms and how to avoid spreading disease to others.  They also answer any questions the contact has and determine if additional services are needed. 

Maricopa is also implementing a plan to load case and contact information into a secure automated system which will monitor contacts for symptoms and alert staff.  That system (when it comes on-line) will also inform cases when they no longer require isolation.

When the automated system is implemented it’ll take a big workload off both the investigators and contact tracers, who can then focus on enhanced tracing.

Once the remaining new 27 in-house, Maricopa county employees are trained, they’ll have 76 new investigator team members interviewing cases and contacts 7 days per week. At this staffing level, they’ll be able to interview roughly 500 cases per day with the goal of completing the interview within 24 hours of receipt.

Editorial Note: Effective contact tracing requires robust testing in the community as well as fast turn around times from the laboratories. If the labs fall behind (as I have anecdotally heard) case data gets to the investigators after the horse has already left the barn and the case investigations and contact tracing efforts are a lot less effective. Lab turn-around time matters!

Journal Article of the Week

This week’s journal article addresses the question whether outdoor environments are as bad as indoor environments for spreading the virus. An important question given the outdoor protesting that has been going on- as well as the prolific indoor clubbing that happens in AZ.  

The study below found that indoor SARS CoV2 transmission in indoor environments is 19 times greater than outdoor environments. 

Closed Environments Facilitate Secondary Transmission of Coronavirus Disease 

New Model Run Showing Concerning Results

Dr. Gerald updated his modeling analysis today with some concerning (but not surprising) results, given the run-up in all of the dashboard indicators in the last 10 days.. One such conclusion in today’s report is that “… current trends in hospitalizations suggest excess capacity could be depleted by July.”

Hopefully executive branch officials will carefully read the report and implement interventions while there’s still time (see previous blog post). Below are some excerpts from today’s analysis.

Increasing hospital utilization strongly suggests that increasing case counts are attributable to increases in community transmission. If current trends are sustained, excess capacity could be exhausted by July. Banner Health recently reported some of its Maricopa ICUs were already at or near capacity. Because interventions take weeks to take effect, immediate action is needed to avoid exceeding our hospitals’ capacity to provide care.

It is worth revisiting the work of the Arizona State University Covid-19 modeling group (see their preprint). Using an SEIR epidemiological model, they examined various scenarios of physical distancing policies including a comparison of a May 15 (early) versus June 1 (late) re-opening (Figure 10). Dividing their daily estimate of new cases by 4X to derive PCR confirmed cases, they estimated that by the time of this update Arizona would see roughly 1500 confirmed cases per day versus about 7500 per day with early reopening which is roughly tracking current conditions. More worrisome is the future trajectory showing even faster growth without action.

Covid-related hospital utilization continues to increase with excess capacity declining from approximately 30% to <15% over the past two months. While adequate capacity exists, current trends in hospitalizations suggest excess capacity could be depleted by July.

COVID Cases Rebound After Expiration of Stay at Home Order

We have good evidence that the Stay at Home Order had been effective at slowing the spread of the SARS CoV2 virus. In each county you’ll see that there had been a slow decline in the ratio of new cases over total cases up until May 26. In pretty much every county that ratio rebounds starting on May 26 and continues today.

The sizable increase in cases, percent positives, ratio of new to total cases, and COVID hospital census in the last 10 days coincides with a week’s incubation period with some time for lab testing since the end of the Stay at Home Order. 

There’s still a little room to spare within most hospitals, but the safety margin continues to decrease. Some hospitals are very close to their ICU bed capacity right now. It’ll continue to be very important to keep an eye on the capacity. When the warning bells go off there won’t be much time to make policy adjustments to increase capacity.

In my opinion there are 5 key interventions that, if implemented immediately, could stem the tide of new cases and hospitalizations:

  1. More focus on testing and infection control in assisted living and skilled nursing;

  2. Enhance contact tracing;

  3. Allow cities to implement mitigation strategies;

  4. Require wearing cloth masks in public; and

  5. Stronger compliance incentives.

Failing to do the above effectively could result in either a need to implement the hospital surge capacity plan, another Stay at Home Order, or both. 

Note: Saturday night the ADHS changed the way that they calculate available hospital capacity on Hospital Bed and Availability dashboard. Their former approach added theoretical surge beds to both the numerator and denominator (available beds and occupied beds). That approach provided an inaccurate view of what’s really available. The new approach is a better way to portray the data. 

You can see a host of data including several interesting charts on the ASU Biodesign site. There’s more background info in this Horizon clip too.

Journal Article of the Week: Indoor v. Outdoor Environments and SARS CoV2

This week’s journal article addresses the question whether outdoor environments are as bad as indoor environments for spreading the virus. An important question given the outdoor protesting that has been going on- as well as the prolific indoor clubbing that happens in AZ.  

The study below found that indoor SARS CoV2 transmission in indoor environments is 19 times greater than outdoor environments. 

Closed Environments Facilitate Secondary Transmission of Coronavirus Disease 

Journal Article of the Week

Universal and Serial Laboratory Testing for SARS-CoV-2 at a Long-Term Care Skilled Nursing Facility for Veterans — Los Angeles, California, 2020

Early Release / May 22, 2020 / 69 

This MMWR describes how universal, repeated COVID-19 testing at a long-term care skilled nursing facility allowed for rapid identification and isolation of cases and limited the risk of further transmission. An important MMWR for what’s happening in Arizona indeed!

APHA Webinar: Developing and Distributing a COVID Vaccine

June 10, 2020 | 2 – 3:30 p.m. AZ Time

This COVID-19 webinar will discuss the road to immunity during COVID-19, including the basics of vaccine development, how developing a vaccine for COVID-19 differs from “traditional” vaccine development, and what actions can be taken now and in the coming months to ensure that our supply chain is ready to manufacture millions of doses of a vaccine.

The webinar will begin with an introduction from the session’s moderator, Paul A. Offit, Director, Vaccine Education Center, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and then feature a panel discussion among expert speakers, including:

  • John R. Mascola – Director, Dale and Betty Bumpers Vaccine Research Center, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

  • Kathleen M. Neuzil – Myron M. Levine MD Professor in Vaccinology and Director, Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health, University of Maryland School of Medicine

  • Richard J. Hatchett – Chief Executive Officer, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)

  • Seth Berkley – Chief Executive Officer, Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance

The panel discussion will be followed by a Q&A session with the webinar audience.

This webinar has also been approved for 1.5 continuing education credits for CPH, CME, CNE or CHES. Several days after attending the webinar, those who watched the entire activity will receive an email with info on how to complete the online evaluation and then claim their credits.

Register to attend the free webinar

Retail Marijuana Voter Initiative Likely to be on the Ballot

What does the public health evidence show & what position should we take?

This November there will likely be a Citizen’s Initiative on that ballot called Smart and Safe Arizona.  It would legalize the possession and use of up to 1 ounce of marijuana (for people 21 and over) and set up licensed retail stores where up to 1 ounce of Cannabis can be sold to adults 21 and over.  It would also offer expungement of some previous convictions for marijuana convictions. Here’s a link to the statutory language that is being circulated to get signatures. 

We have existing Resolution regarding the legalization and retail sale of marijuana (it’s posted on our members only website) but the Resolution doesn’t specifically address the Initiative that will likely be before Arizona voters this fall. 

To help inform our members and Board about what position to take on the Initiative, we engaged with a group if interns that have developed an analysis of the Initiative from a public health perspective. We asked the team to conduct:

A literature review and analysis of the public health impact that has occurred in other states that have legalized the retail sale of marijuana. For example, students may want to use Colorado’s report entitled Monitoring Health Concerns Related to Marijuana a resource for the analysis.

A literature review and an evaluation of the public health benefits from the criminal justice reform components including the expungement opportunities in the Initiative that can improve the social determinants of health.

An analysis of the public health benefits and improvements to the social determinants of health from the social investments that would result from the increased revenue from the sale of retail marijuana.

A comparison of the language in the Smart and Safe Arizona language to the recommendations in the American Public Health Association’s Policy Statement entitled Regulating Commercially Legalized Marijuana as a Public Health Priority and conduct a gap analysis to determine whether there are areas in the Initiative that do not meet the recommendations in the APHA Policy Statement.

We received the analysis from our first team of interns this week.  I won’t go into the details of what the team discovered (I’ll do that in a future policy update) but thought I’d pass the work along to you so you can start digging in. More details next week on what the report says.

A huge Thank You to our team of interns from A.T. Still University Apeldin Aghassi, Zola Bayarsaikhan, Erin Maruska, and Emily Winter for developing this very good report.

BTW: We don’t have much time to decide what position to take on the Initiative. Comments to the Voter Guide are due on Wednesday, June 17!

AzPHA Stands Against Racism

AzPHA Board of Director’s Statement

June 1, 2020

For decades, public health research has recognized racism and discrimination (or systemic violence) as fundamental causes of health disparities and inequities. It is time to move beyond silence, guilt, denial, and shock and accept our individual and collective roles in acting to demolish these centuries old systems of oppression.

As leaders in public health, we accept our responsibility in dismantling the systems of oppression that have long afforded many of us privilege and comfort. AzPHA is committed to working with our board and membership to integrate anti-racist education and actionable strategies for eliminating racism in order to realize health equity. In alignment with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and APHA’s call for racial healing, we commit to intentionally engaging people from all racial and ethnic groups in order to build understanding, communication, compassion, and respect for one another.

Recognizing that complacency upholds the status quo, we have work to do. The drivers of structural inequality and race-based violence are not “out there,” or “with them,” they are baked into our own workplaces, associations, neighborhoods, families, and minds. And it’s our responsibility and our obligation as public servants to hold a light to injustice and to confront our biases.

As Arizona’s independent voice for public health, we commit to being accountable to our members and all Arizonans for confronting the myriad ways racism persists in public health and health care.

ASU Biodesign Develops Accurate Diagnostic Saliva-based COVID Test

One of the big challenges with the US’ COVID response has been the lack of testing capacity.  In part, those challenges hve been as a result of supply chain issues with the test kits- but also because the test is invasive and requires personal protective equipment. A new test that would be easy to use would make a real difference.  

For the past couple of weeks, ASU’s Biodesign Institute has been pilot testing the saliva-based test.  They have been using comparing results with their new self-administered saliva test to results using the classic nasal swab test.

So far, they’ve found that the saliva-based tests were just as good, if not even better, as those collected from nasal swab tests.

The saliva test is as simple as spitting into a screw-top tube through a straw, making testing way easier and also improving the supply of test kits and bringing the cost of testing.