Arizona Blows Through the 27,000 COVID Death Threshold; AZ Ranks 2nd in the Nation in Per-capita Deaths Behind Only Mississippi

See Dr. Joe Gerald’s Weekly Epidemiology & Hospital Occupancy Report

Arizona blew through the 27,000 COVID-19 death threshold last week, only a couple of weeks after Arizona raced through the 26,000 cumulative death mark. Arizona still ranks 2nd in the U.S. in cumulative per-capita COVID-19 deaths (behind only Mississippi). Arizona had been on track to pass Mississippi and become the deadliest state, but an unexpected increase in new deaths in Mississippi in the last couple weeks has kept Arizona in 2nd place.

Arizona’s COVID death epi-curve for December continued to fill in last week as weeks old death certificates were processed. The week ending December 12th recorded 552 deaths to date (the deadliest week of 2021). A mortality report from the AzPHA indicates that official statistics undercount actual deaths.

Twenty-eight percent (28%) of Arizona’s 8,743 general ward beds were occupied by COVID-19 patients last week, a 20% decrease from the previous week. Four-hundred ninety-nine (499, 31%) of Arizona’s 1642 ICU beds were occupied by COVID-19 patients, a 21% decrease from last week’s 632 occupied beds.

Nevertheless, hospitals remain very busy. They have now experienced 181 consecutive days with a combined occupancy >2000 patients whereas the summer 2020 and winter 2021 saw 57 and 98 days, respectively. We experienced 75 days with >3000 combined occupancy with the Delta/Omicron waves whereas the summer 2020 and winter 2021 waves saw 35 and 78 days, respectively.

At least the rate at which new cases are reported has been moderating. For the week ending February 6th, more than 40,000 Arizonans were diagnosed with COVID-19, a 45% decrease from the 73,828 cases reported the prior week. This week’s tally is smaller than the January 2021 peak (65,094 cases) but it is higher than the June 2020 peak (28,009 cases). The risk of contracting Omicron remains extremely high.

Currently, rates are highest among those 25 – 64 years and lowest among those <15 years, 610 and 466 cases per 100K residents, respectively. Arizona’s new case ranking fell to 11th place with the nation’s leaders being Alaska (1231), Kentucky (990), West Virginia (920), Montana (905), and Mississippi (831).

See Dr. Joe Gerald’s Weekly Epidemiology & Hospital Occupancy Report

Looking to Make a Career Move in 2022?  Looking for New Members for Your Team?

The Arizona Public Health Association’s Career Center might be the ticket you’re looking for to find the right opportunity or candidate.

Looking for a Job?

One of your AzPHA member benefits is access to our career center, where you can find a multitude of jobs in the public health, healthcare, laboratory sciences and many other fields. Simply visit the site from time to time and check out what’s out there. You can also set up an account as a ‘Job Seeker” under that navigation tab at the top of the site.

There’s also a job center resource room to help you make your resume stand out, interview tips, and pointers to use social to help your search. You can also upload your resume to get more visibility by setting up the free job seeker account.

I’m in the process of priming the pump with more jobs at our organizational members’ workplaces, so be sure to check back from time to time to check what’s out there.

Interested in Posting a Job?

If you’re interested in posting a job on our site, simply create an employer account. We have several product categories depending on what your needs are, including Basic Posting, Passive Job Seeker Package, and Enhanced Posting- ranging from $99 to $199.

The $199 package includes getting your job emailed to to over 27,000 people, a 30 day posting period. Your job will be highlighted and will stay near top of list on job board too. There are additional package deals for posting multiple jobs.

If your employer is an organizational member of AzPHA, I can create some time-limited free coupons that you can use to post some jobs. To get one of those coupons contact me at [email protected]“>willh[email protected].

Legislative Session Summary

As AzPHA’s Executive Director, I’m the registered lobbyist for our organization. I’m responsible for going into the state legislature’s website and documenting our positions on bills. When bills are up in Committee, I go into the Request to Speak system and provide more detail about our position and why. In some circumstances (like this week in the House and Senate Health & Human Services Committees), I attend and speak for a couple minutes.

Our positions on bills are based on Resolutions that members have passed over the years: Resolutions – AZ Public Health Association. If no Resolution is in place to support our advocacy position, our public health policy committee discusses the issue and makes a recommendation to the Board to validate our position.

You can also do your own advocacy and make your own voice heard. In order to do that, you’ll need to get a User ID and Password for the Legislature’s Request to Speak system. You can sign up at one of the kiosks in the House or Senate buildings or contact the folks at Civic Engagement Beyond Voting who can help you set up an RTS account.

Committee Hearings this Week

House Health & Human Services 2pm Monday 

HB2086– ADHS; school immunizations; exclusions OPPOSED

HB2450– outpatient treatment centers; licensure; exemption NEUTRAL

Senate Health & Human Services 8:30am Wednesday

SB1044 – contracts; grants; exclusions; sex education OPPOSED

SB1567– vaccinations; prohibitions; evidence of immunity OPPOSED

SB1641– health care institutions; civil penalties SUPPORT

SB1052– medical procedures; prohibitions OPPOSED

Senate Appropriations Committee Tuesday 2pm

SB1245  tobacco; vapor; alternative nicotine; regulation OPPOSED

Bill Summaries & AzPHA Positions

Public Health Emergency

SB1009– state of emergency; executive powerOPPOSED

Passed Senate 16-13. Beginning on Ducey’s last day, caps the length of a Governor’s public health emergency declaration at 30 days but allows the Governor to extend the state of emergency for up to 120 days in 30-day increments. Terminates a state of emergency after 120 days, unless extended by the Legislature. Allows the Legislature to extend the state of emergency as many times as necessary in up to 30-day increments.

HB2022  health emergencies; treatment; vaccinations; repeal OPPOSED

No action yet. This bill eliminates public health emergency authority that currently allows the ADHS Director to mandate vaccinations in exposed persons in some circumstances.


HB2029 vaccinations; evidence of immunity; prohibitions OPPOSED

No action yet. Prohibits government entities from requiring a COVID vaccine as a condition of employment. Also prohibits them from contracting with any private business that requires vaccination. Has a conditional exemption for healthcare institutions.

HB2043 employer liability; COVID-19 vaccine requirement OPPOSED

Passed Senate Judiciary 6-4. Makes employers liable for damages if the employer denies a religious exemption and requires a person to receive a COVID-19 vaccination and significant injury results from receiving the vaccine.

HB2064 ADHS; school immunizations; exclusions. OPPOSED

Being Heard in House HHS Monday, AZPHA Signed in Against. Prevents ADHS Director from ever adding COVID19 or HPV vaccines to the list required for school attendance

HB2065 school immunizations; nonattendance; outbreak OPPOSED

Assigned to Senate HHS, no action yet. Removes that ability to exclude unvaccinated students from school during a school outbreak

HB2086 ADHS; school immunizations; exclusions OPPOSED

Being heard in House HHS 2/7.  Prevents ADHS Director from ever adding COVID19 or HPV vaccines to the list required for school attendance

HB2191 school immunizations; DHS; exclusions OPPOSED

Being heard in House HHS 2/7 AzPHA Signed in Opposed. Prohibits ADHS from adding HPV, COVID-19 and/or any vaccine that is just emergency use authorized to list of vaccines required for school attendance.

HB2452 antidiscrimination; employment; vaccination status OPPOSED

No action yet. Prevents ‘discrimination’ against anybody because of the vaccination status

SB1567 vaccinations; prohibitions; evidence of immunity OPPOSED

Being Heard in Senate HHS Wednesday, 2/9. Prohibits businesses from requiring vaccinations of any kind and includes enforcement provisions including preventing the state from contracting with any entity that does so. Includes exemptions for certain healthcare facilities.

SB1052 medical procedures; prohibitions OPPOSED

Being heard in Senate HHS 2/9. Government entities and even schools would be unable to require vaccination if there is any threat of an adverse reaction that can result in death, even if the odds of that are for example 10,000,000 to one.

Family Planning

SB1044 contracts; grants; exclusions; sex education OPPOSED

Being Heard in Senate HHS 2/9.  Prohibits ADHS from contracting with any entity that ‘provides or promotes abortion’ on their Personal Responsibility Education Program or the Sexual Risk Avoidance Education Grant Program grants.

Criminal Justice

HB2033 juvenile offenders; monetary sanctions; repeal SUPPORT

Passed House Judiciary and Appropriations 10-0. Removes statute relating to court-ordered fees and fines for juveniles, except for victim restitution and specific driving under the influence offenses. Appropriates $2,531,000 from the state General Fund for costs relating to juvenile treatment services and court services.

HB2021 Drug Offenses, homicide, sentencing OPPOSED

Assigned to House Judiciary, no action yet. Increases penalties for homicides that happen when there is also a drug offense.

Food Insecurity

HB2060 supplemental nutrition assistance program; eligibility SUPPORT

Passed House Judiciary and Rules. Expands Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program eligibility to individuals with felony drug convictions but still requires certain people to comply with probation conditions.


HB2606 school districts; housing facilities; teachers SUPPORT

Assigned to House Ways and Means, no action yet. permits all school districts to leverage district-owned property and facilities toward the development of housing for staff.  Current statute limits these “teacherages” to rural and tribal communities.  This bill would expand these abilities to urban and suburban districts.  It’s a technical change to existing statute, but should have promising health, educational and economic impacts.

HB2674 municipal zoning; by right housing SUPPORT

Assigned to House Commerce Committee. Would prevent cities from implementing unreasonable zoning barriers that limit the production of affordable housing. Makes cities commit to policies that encourage affordable housing.

Maternal and Child Health

HB2111 appropriation; healthy families program SUPPORT

Passed House Health 7-2, still needs House Appropriations. Appropriates $10 million from the state General Fund in FY 2023 to the Department of Child Safety for the Healthy Families Program.

HB2113 developmental disabilities; Down syndrome SUPPORT

Passed House Health 9-0. Automatically qualifies persons with Down Syndrome for AHCCCS’ Long Term Care program (they currently need to go through a qualification process).

HB2311 school health program; appropriation SUPPORT

Assigned to House Education, no action yet. Requires school districts (and charters) to have evidence-based school health programs. Provides funding for such programs.


HB2125 electronic smoking devices; retail licensing SUPPORT

Assigned to House HHS, no action yet. This is the ‘good’ tobacco control bill. Has a host of evidence based interventions including retail licensing with proper enforcement.

SB1245  tobacco; vapor; alternative nicotine; regulation OPPOSED

Being heard in Senate Appropriations Tuesday at 2pm. Regulates tobacco products but in a bad way that isn’t evidence based. It preempts local jurisdictions from doing more than state law. Includes a tobacco license though, with weak enforcement. Would be managed by the Department of Liquor License and Control.

Access to Care

HB2144 health insurance coverage; biomarker testing SUPPORT

Assigned to House Health, no action yet. Requires health insurance plans to begin covering biomarker testing. Important bill as emerging therapies rely on biomarker testing to target therapies. Medicaid is included!

HB2155  health information organizations; research; disclosures SUPPORT

Assigned to House HHS. No action yet. Makes deidentified health information more available for research.

HB2100 health information organizations; confidentiality; data. SUPPORT

Assigned to House HHS, Held. This emergency measure would allow Health Current to receive, use and redisclose confidential information received for any purpose allowed by HIPPA. Ducey’s Executive Orders and Enhanced Surveillance Advisories currently address this privacy protection, but it needs to be codified in statute to ensure there are no gaps in the protection of this data or in healthcare information.

HB2161 parental rights; schools; educational records OPPOSED

Passed House Education 6-4. Expands statutory parental rights regarding the upbringing, education, health care and mental health of a parent’s minor child.

Special Needs & Disabilities

HB2382 appropriation; health programs; disabilities SUPPORT

Passed House HHS 9-0. Appropriates $1 million to ADHS for grants to statewide organizations dedicated to “promoting evidence based, inclusive health programs for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities”.

HB2157 supplemental appropriations; community-based services SUPPORT

Passed House Appropriations 11-1. Appropriates $1,440,732,800 of expenditure authority and $30,121,100 from Kids Care in FY 2022 for home and community-based services and funding formula requirements.  This will leverage $1.5B in mostly American Rescue Plan Act funds over the next 2 years to improve Home and Community Based Services for folks in their Long-Term Care Program.  $1B will go for badly needed investments to promote and stabilize access to supportive services, and workforce retention/ consistency to improve member outcomes ($1B).

Clean Energy/Climate/Environmental Health

SB1132 municipal bonds; environmental sustainability; prohibition OPPOSED

Assigned to Senate Nat. Resources, no action yet. Prohibits the use of municipal bonds for any project that is “green”. Defines anything green as basically anything to do with climate change, carbon emissions, or clean energy. Excludes other pollutants regulated by ADEQ.

HB2403 appropriation; ADE; electric school buses SUPPORT

Assigned to House Education, no action yet. Appropriates $1.5M for a pilot program for electric school buses

SB1150 electric vehicles; pilot program; appropriation SUPPORT

Passed Senate Transportation 6-3. Appropriates $500K from the General Fund to the Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA) for the Electric Vehicle-Ready Homes Pilot Program.

SB1151 charging station; pilot program; appropriation SUPPORT

Passed Senate Transportation 7-2. Appropriates $500K from the General Fund to ADOA to establish the Electric Vehicle Charging Station Pilot Program.

SB1152 zero emission vehicles; plans SUPPORT

Passed Senate Transportation 7-2. Requires ADOT to work in coordination with ADOA and ADEQ to develop a Zero Emission Vehicle Plan.

SB1153  state zero emission vehicle fleet SUPPORT

Assigned to Senate Transportation, no action. Requires state agencies to buy zero emission vehicles when they buy new cars (when feasible).

SB1154 transportation electrification study committee SUPPORT

Passed Senate Transportation 7-2. Establishes the Transportation Electrification Study Committee

HB2226 fireworks use, limitations, prohibition SUPPORT

Passed Public Safety 13-1. Limits fireworks use to before 11pm except for a few holidays when the deadline is 1am.

Women’s Health

HB2534 feminine hygiene; exemption SUPPORT

Assigned to Ways and Means, no action yet. Exempts feminine hygiene products from sales taxes.

SB1164 abortion; gestational age; limit OPPOSED

Passed Senate Judiciary 5-3. Except in a medical emergency, prohibits physicians from performing an abortion after 15 weeks gestation as measured starting on the 1st day of the last menstrual period. Punishes the doctor with a felony and unprofessional conduct on her or his license. No exemptions for rape etc.

SB1272 AHCCCS; postpartum care; eligibilityappropriations  SUPPORT

Passed Senate Appropriations 10-0. Allows AHCCCS to pursue eligibility for postpartum care for members for 1 year post-delivery up to 161% of federal poverty limit. Expanded eligibility currently ends at delivery. Still requires CMS approval.

Violence and Firearms

SB1123 disruption; educational institution; concealed weapon OPPOSED

Passed Senate Judiciary 4-3. Prohibits the governing board of any university, college, or community college from prohibiting the possession of a concealed weapon by a concealed weapon permit holder, or the transportation or storage of a firearm.

State Agency Administration

SB1175 noncustodial federal monies; appropriation OPPOSE

Passed Senate Appropriations 5-4. The legislature would need to appropriate federal funds that come through grants- examples include the maternal and child health block grant, WIC, SNAP, and many others.

SB1641 health care institutions; civil penalties SUPPORT

Being heard in Senate HHS on 2/9. Raises the limit on ADHS healthcare institutions civil money penalties to $1K from $500.

SB1391 state hospital; transfer; AHCCCS NO POSITION YET 

Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee, no action yetThis would move responsibility for operating the Arizona State Hospital from ADHS to AHCCCS.

Behavioral Health

SB1210 mentally ill; transportation; evaluation; treatment SUPPORT

Assigned to Senate HHS, no action yet. Stops the current practice of requiring that a police officer attend behavioral health ambulance transports.

SB1162 opioid prescriptions; intractable pain; exceptions SUPPORT

Passed Senate HHS 8-0. Exempts patients with perioperative surgical pain, intractable pain or chronic intractable pain from statutory opioid prescription dosage restrictions. Contains good definitions of those words.

Arizona on Track to Be the #1 State In Per Capita COVID-19 Deaths by Mid February

View Dr. Joe Gerald’s Weekly Epidemiology & Hospital Occupancy Report

Arizona continues to be on track to be #1 in per capita COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. within a couple of weeks. Weekly COVID-19 deaths will likely continue to be in the mid-400s for several more weeks. At that pace, we should pass Mississippi mid-month. So far, at least 26,530 Arizonans have lost their lives to COVID-19.

Hospitals will be burdened by >30% COVID-19 occupancy in general wards & ICU for the next several weeks. Access to care continues to be restricted by both COVID-19 occupancy and staff shortages owing to infections among healthcare workers. COVID-19 hospital occupancy in the wards is moderating and hopefully the ICUs will begin to decompress soon.

While new cases per week are certainly on the way down, Arizona’s remains in 7th place with 1,014 new cases per 100K residents per week. Our new case rate is just behind Alaska, North Dakota, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

CDC Offering Staff for County Health Departments

CDC is offering health departments a chance to hire staff to enhance capacity in the areas of vaccine communication/confidence (vaccine demand strategist)adult immunization, and vaccine equity (health equity official) through Immunization Cooperative Agreement (IP19-1901 Co-Ag COVID-19 supplemental) funding.

Each health department can hire these staff through their internal hiring process or through a CDC Foundation rapid-hiring mechanism. 

For more contact or your CDC immunization project officer.

Journal Article of the Week: Post Vaccination T-Cell Immunity Remains Robust Even as Antibody Protection Is Reduced Against Omicron

SARS-CoV-2 vaccination induces immunological T cell memory able to cross-recognize variants from Alpha to Omicron: Cell

This article examines the durability of B and T cell immunity throughout 2021 from the Alpha to the Omicron variants. “T cell responses to early variants were preserved across vaccine platforms. By contrast, significant overall decreases were observed for memory B cells and neutralizing antibodies.”

In subjects 6 months post-vaccination, 90% (CD4+) and 87% (CD8+) of memory T cell responses were preserved against variants and 84% (CD4+) and 85% (CD8+) preserved against Omicron.

Omicron RBD memory B cell recognition was substantially reduced to 42% compared to other variants. T cell epitope repertoire analysis revealed a median of 11 and 10 spike epitopes recognized by CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, with average preservation > 80% for Omicron.

Functional preservation of the majority of T cell responses may play an important role as second-level defenses against diverse variants.

Major Clean Energy Disappointment

After 4 years of workshops, public meetings, and 1000s of supportive comments including many from AzPHA, the Arizona Corporation Commission voted down an energy rules package along party lines last week.

Commissioners Sandra Kennedy and Anna Tovar voted yes on the widely supported rules and Commissioners Lea Márquez-Peterson, Justin Olson, and Jim O”Connor voted no. The rules died after Commissioner O’Connor flipped his vote to no after voting yes on the exact same rule package late in 2021. 

The rules would have created a Clean Energy Standard to reduce carbon emissions, an energy efficiency standard to reduce electricity consumption and save ratepayers dollars, more accountable and transparent resource planning provisions, and a requirement to give favorable siting consideration for clean energy projects in coal-impacted communities, among other things.

Community groups, environmental organizations, local governments, big and small businesses, faith leaders, and consumer advocates had all repeatedly expressed support for the Clean Energy Rules and we are all disappointed the Commission could not bring them across the finish line. 

The rules would have saved ratepayers dollars and provided enormous economic benefits. Business leaders spoke in support of the rules, recognizing their value for Arizona’s economy. In January 2021, Stategen released a report that found that adopting the original draft Clean Energy Rules would not only significantly reduce carbon emissions to address the climate crisis, but also create $2B in economic benefits for Arizona.

The work over the last 4 years isn’t totally lost, and it’s possible that a future Commission after the 2022 election may take up the clean energy rules again and leverage the hard work of the last 4 years.

State Legislature Is In Full Swing: Here are the Bills We’re Tracking and Taking Positions On

Our Public Health Policy Committee has taken our first look at the bills that have been proposed so far and taken positions on about 35 of them. Just a few of them have been heard in their committees so far. We will continue to track and evaluate our positions on them as they go through the system and get amended. 

We will likely add new bills to our track list, and as bills languish or die, we will refine the list to focus on our A-list items. I’ll be down at the Senate Appropriations committee this week for sure, and maybe a couple others.

Public Health Emergency

SB1009 – state of emergency; executive powers OPPOSED but evaluating

Beginning on the first day of the next governor’s term, this new law would cap the length of a Governor’s public health emergency declaration at 30 days but allows the Governor to extend the state of emergency for up to 120 days in 30-day increments. Terminates a state of emergency after 120 days, unless extended by the Legislature. Allows the Legislature to extend the state of emergency as many times as necessary in up to 30-day increments.

HB2022  health emergencies; treatment; vaccinations; repeal OPPOSED

This bill eliminates public health emergency authority that currently allows the ADHS Director to mandate vaccinations in exposed persons in some circumstances


HB2029  vaccinations; evidence of immunity; prohibitions OPPOSED

Prohibits government entities from requiring a COVID vaccine as a condition of employment. Also prohibits them from contracting with any private business that requires vaccination. Has an conditional exemption for healthcare institutions.

HB2043 employer liability; COVID-19 vaccine requirement OPPOSED

Makes employers liable for damages if the employer denies a religious exemption and requires a person to receive a COVID-19 vaccination and significant injury results from receiving the vaccine.

HB2064  DHS; school immunizations; exclusions. OPPOSED

Prevents ADHS Director from ever adding COVID19 or HPV vaccines to the list required for school attendance

HB2065 school immunizations; nonattendance; outbreak OPPOSED

Removes that ability to exclude unvaccinated students from school during a school outbreak

HB2086 DHS; school immunizations; exclusions OPPOSED

Prevents ADHS Director from ever adding COVID19 or HPV vaccines to the list required for school attendance

HB2191 – school immunizations; DHS; exclusions OPPOSE

Prohibits ADHS from adding HPV, COVID-19 or anu vaccine that is just emergency use authorized to list of vaccines required for school attendance.

HB2452  – antidiscrimination; employment; vaccination status OPPOSED

Prevents ‘discrimination’ against anybody because of the vaccination status

Family Planning

SB1044 contracts; grants; exclusions; sex education OPPOSED

Prohibits ADHS from contracting with any entity that ‘provides or promotes abortion’ on their Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) or the Sexual Risk Avoidance Education Grant Program (SRAE) grants. Adds Title X (if ADHS ever applies for that again).

Criminal Justice

HB2033 juvenile offenders; monetary sanctions; repeal SUPPORT

Removes statute relating to court-ordered fees and fines for juveniles, except for victim restitution and specific driving under the influence offenses. Appropriates $2,531,000 from the state General Fund for costs relating to juvenile treatment services and court services.

Food Insecurity

HB2060 – supplemental nutrition assistance program; eligibility SUPPORT

Expands Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) eligibility to individuals with felony drug convictions. Requires specified individuals who are eligible for SNAP to comply with probation conditions.


HB2606 – school districts; housing facilities; teachers SUPPORT

permits all school districts to leverage district-owned property and facilities toward the development of housing for staff.  Current statute limits these “teacherages” to rural and tribal communities.  This bill would expand these abilities to urban and suburban districts.  It’s a technical change to existing statute, but should have promising health, educational and economic impacts.

Maternal and Child Health

HB2111 appropriation; healthy families program SUPPORT

Appropriates $10 million from the state General Fund in FY 2023 to the Department of Child Safety for the Healthy Families Program.

HB2113 developmental disabilities; Down syndrome SUPPORT

Automatically qualifies persons with Down Syndrome for AHCCCS’ Long Term Care program (they currently need to go through a qualification process).

HB2311 – school health program; appropriation SUPPORT

Requires school districts (and charters) to have evidence-based school health programs. Provides funding for such programs.


HB2125 electronic smoking devices; retail licensing SUPPORT

This is the ‘good’ tobacco control bill. Has a host of evidence based interventions including retail licensing with proper enforcement.

SB1245  tobacco; vapor; alternative nicotine; regulation OPPOSED

Regulates tobacco products but in a bad way that isn’t evidence based. It preempts local jurisdictions from doing more than state law. Includes a tobacco license though, with weak enforcement. Would be managed by the LLC.

Access to Care

HB2144 – health insurance coverage; biomarker testing SUPPORT

Requires health insurance plans to begin covering biomarker testing. Important bill as emerging therapies rely on biomarker testing to target therapies. Medicaid is included!

HB2155 – health information organizations; research; disclosures SUPPORT

Makes deidentified health information more available for research.

HB2161 parental rights; schools; educational records OPPOSE

Expands statutory parental rights regarding the upbringing, education, health care and mental health of a parent’s minor child.

Special Needs & Disabilities

HB2382 – appropriation; health programs; disabilities SUPPORT

Appropriates $1 million to ADHS for grants to statewide organizations dedicated to “promoting evidence based, inclusive health programs for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities”.

HB2157 supplemental appropriations; community-based services SUPPORT

(Cleared House Appropriations 11-1) Appropriates $1,440,732,800 of expenditure authority and $30,121,100 from the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Fund in FY 2022 for home and community-based services and funding formula requirements.  This will leverage $1.5B in mostly American Rescue Plan Act funds over the next 2 years to improve Home and Community Based Services for folks in their Long-Term Care Program (ALTCS).

$1B will go for badly needed investments to promote and stabilize access to supportive services, and workforce retention/ consistency to improve member outcomes ($1B)

Clean Energy & Climate

SB1132 – municipal bonds; environmental; prohibition OPPOSED

Prohibits the use of municipal bonds for any project that is “green”. Defines anything green as basically anything to do with climate change, carbon emissions, or clean energy. Excludes other pollutants regulated by ADEQ.

HB2403– appropriation; ADE; electric school buses SUPPORT

Appropriates $1.5M for a pilot program for electric school buses

SB1150 electric vehicles; pilot program; appropriation SUPPORT

Appropriates $500K from the General Fund to the Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA) for the Electric Vehicle-Ready Homes Pilot Program.

SB1151 – charging station; pilot program; appropriation SUPPORT

Appropriates $500K from the General Fund to ADOA to establish the Electric Vehicle Charging Station Pilot Program.

SB1152 – zero emission vehicles; plans SUPPORT

Requires ADOT to work in coordination with ADOA and ADEQ to develop a Zero Emission Vehicle Plan.

SB1153  state zero emission vehicle fleet SUPPORT

Requires state agencies to buy zero emission vehicles when they buy new cars (when feasible).

SB1154 transportation electrification study committee SUPPORT

Establishes the Transportation Electrification Study Committee

Women’s Health

HB2534 diapers; feminine hygiene; exemption SUPPORT

Exempts feminine hygiene products from sales taxes.

SB1164 – abortion; gestational age; limit OPPOSE Thursday in judiciary

Except in a medical emergency, prohibits physicians from performing an abortion after 15 weeks gestation as measured starting on the 1st day of the last menstrual period. Punishes the doctor with a felony and unprofessional conduct on her or his license. No exemptions for rape etc.

SB1272 AHCCCS; postpartum care; eligibility; appropriations  SUPPORT

(Being heard in Senate Appropriations 2/1/22) Allows AHCCCS to pursue eligibility for postpartum care for members for 1 year post-delivery up to 161% of federal poverty limit. Expanded eligibility currently ends at delivery. Still requires CMS approval.

Violence and Firearms

SB1123 disruption; educational institution; concealed weapon OPPOSED

Prohibits the governing board of any university, college, or community college from prohibiting the possession of a concealed weapon by a concealed weapon permit holder, or the transportation or storage of a firearm.

State Agency Administration

SB1175 – noncustodial federal monies; appropriation OPPOSE

The legislature would need to appropriate federal funds that come through grants- including for example the maternal and child health block grant, WIC, SNAP, and many others.

Behavioral Health

SB1210 mentally ill; transportation; evaluation; treatment SUPPORT

Stops the current practice of requiring that a police officer attend behavioral health ambulance transports.

SB1162 opioid prescriptions; intractable pain; exceptions Neutral but evaluating

Exempts patients with perioperative surgical pain, intractable pain or chronic intractable pain from statutory opioid prescription dosage restrictions.

Arizona Blows Through the 26,000 COVID Death Mark in the Absence of Mitigation from Governor Ducey and Interim Director Herrington

View Dr. Joe Gerald’s Weekly Epidemiology & Hospital Occupancy Report

Arizona blew through the 26,000 COVID death mark this week. Weekly death totals in the upper-300s, mid-400s are likely for several more weeks. Arizona still stands in 2nd place in COVID deaths per capita, trailing only Mississippi.

Within 2-3 weeks Arizona will have the distinction of being:

#1 in COVID deaths per capita (once we pass Mississippi)

#1 in increased all-cause mortality over baseline

The only state in which COVID19 is the leading cause of death

COVID-19 hospital occupancy continues its march upward in the face of no mitigation policy from Governor Ducey & Interim Director Herrington. Hospitals are burdened by >30% occupancy in general wards and in the ICU. Access to care continues to be restricted by both COVID-19 occupancy and staff shortages because of infections among healthcare workers (or their family members).

Arizona continues to have historic levels of community transmission attributable to Omicron and the lack of mitigation policies. Test positivity is incredibly high reminding us that test capacity, accessibility, and/or uptake is wholly inadequate.

As of January 23rd, new cases were being diagnosed at a rate of 1694 cases per 100K residents per week. Rates peaked last week at ~1967 cases per 100K/week, somewhat lower than some other states, perhaps due to less testing. The risk of Omicron infection will remain extremely high for many weeks. Remember, the CDC defines high community transmission as levels >100 cases per 100K residents per week. We’re a far cry from that!

View Dr. Joe Gerald’s Weekly Epidemiology & Hospital Occupancy Report

Join The Hertel Report for their State of the State

 2022 STATE OF THE STATE – The Hertel Report
 Friday, February 11 Breakfast Meeting 8 to 10:30am Phoenix Art Museum, Singer Hall or virtually.

Join the Hertel Report for their annual Arizona healthcare market update hosted and moderated by Publisher Jim Hammond. After breakfast and networking, this year’s panel of guest speakers will deliver the latest insight impacting managed care in Arizona. Prefer to attend virtually? 

Discussion will offer insight into national value-based trends including Arizona’s competitive community of accountable care organizations, value-based networks and direct contracting entities. Get the latest enrollment numbers and news from AHCCCS, take a deep dive into Arizona’s Medicare Advantage (MA) market and explore Arizona Marketplace trends. Arizona’s HIE will also share how better connecting providers across the state