New AzPHA Report: COVID-19 The Leading Cause of Death in AZ During the Pandemic

One of our newest AzPHA members, Allan N. Williams, MPH, PhD (who recently retired as an epidemiologist at the Minnesota Department of Health) analyzed ADHS vital statistics data and developed our newest epidemiology report entitled: “How Do COVID-19 Death Rates Compare to the 15 Leading Causes of Death in Arizona?”  

Not surprisingly, the report found that COVID-19 has been the leading cause of death in Arizona during the pandemic (Nationally, it has been the 3rd third leading cause of death).  The fact that COVID deaths are currently comparable in prevalence to our two long-standing major killers – heart disease and cancer – is a sobering statistic and represents a deadly failure to implement evidence based interventions to better manage the pandemic in Arizona. Furthermore, the toll from COVID-19 is likely to be considerably higher than the currently reported numbers.

As previously noted in our January 24, 2021 AzPHA Report 2020 All-Cause Mortality Trends in Arizona During the COVID-19 Pandemic and in recent media (Arizona Republic, Feb. 1, 2021 “Arizona Deaths Rose 25% in 2020”), preliminary 2020 mortality data show a significant increase (14,972 additional deaths) in overall deaths compared to 2019. While most of this increase is clearly attributable to COVID-19 deaths, the AzPHA mortality analysis indicated that some 3,444 of the excess deaths were not reported as COVID-19 deaths.

This is consistent with estimates indicating that 35% of COVID-19 deaths are unreported.  It is also possible that deferral of care for serious non-COVID-19 medical conditions or reduced screenings during the pandemic also account for a portion of the non-COVID-19 excess. 

While there is room for optimism as vaccinations slowly ramp up and new vaccines are now imminent, there is at the same time growing concern about the rapid spread of more transmissible variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and whether current vaccines will be less effective against these variants. Unfortunately, COVID-19 will remain a significant cause of death well into 2021.

A huge thanks to Dr. Williams for his work bringing this important information to light.

Novavax Announces Encouraging Vaccine Trial Data

Novavax also announced (but did not publish) encouraging results of their Phase III Clinical Trial. Their press release (not published data) said that their clinical trial met the primary endpoints for safety and effectiveness. They said that upcoming results will show that their vaccine candidate was 89% effective in the Phase III clinical trial conducted in the UK.

“With today’s results from our UK Phase 3 and South Africa Phase 2b clinical trials, we have now reported data on our COVID-19 vaccine from Phase 1, 2 and 3 trials involving over 20,000 participants.”

“In addition, our PREVENT-19 US and Mexico clinical trial has randomized over 16,000 participants toward our enrollment goal of 30,000. NVX-CoV2373 is the first vaccine to demonstrate not only high clinical efficacy against COVID-19 but also significant clinical efficacy against both the rapidly emerging UK and South Africa variants,” (from Stanley Erck, President and CEO of Novavax.

No word on when the trial data will be published nor when they will ask the FDA for emergency use authorization. This is also an important vaccine as it too has simple storage and handling requirements and is perfect for doctor’s offices, pharmacies, mobile clinics and community health centers.

Drama Over Vaccine “Wastage”: Telling the Truth Matters

There was some drama yesterday about how much vaccine has been “wasted” at various Maricopa County mass vaccination sites.  Journalists submitted public records requests to Maricopa County Department of Public Health and the ADHS asking for data about how many doses of vaccine were unusable at the various PODs. Maricopa County produced the data, sharing that a total of 553 doses out of 153,196 administered have been discarded at county PODs between December 17, 2020 and Jan. 20, 2021.

This represents 0.3% or 3 of every 1,000 doses that have been administered through these PODs to that date. For perspective, standard wastage for all vaccines in doctors’ and pediatric offices is between 3% and 5%.

I did a few interviews on the issue of accidents and problems that can happen when administering vaccinations including this one from FOX10 saying that a 0.3% wastage rate is a testament to good performance at the PODs. By comparison, wastage rates at pediatric offices are typically between 3-5%.

The drama came when Governor Ducey tweeted the following statement:

“The COVID19 vaccine is a precious and limited resource – that any doses would be wasted is shocking and unacceptable. This has not and will not happen at any state-run sites, and local leaders must prevent it from ever happening again at any county-run site.”

The statement that no problems have come up nor mistakes made at their branded State Farm POD is, of course, preposterous. There’s no way that a mass vaccination site like State Farm has never had an issue that led to a discarded vaccine.  ADHS has not disclosed how many vaccines have been discarded at State Farm, but I can guarantee you that it is not zero. I’m hopeful ADHS will be quick to respond to press inquiries about its own data about vaccine wastage.

The fact that a small number of issues may have come up at State Farm and some vaccines discarded isn’t the issue. The problem is a when the Governor makes a false statement disparaging the performance of a key partner (performance that is, in fact, good) when the state itself is unwilling to disclose its own performance on that same metric… and then fabricates a tale that no vaccine has ever been discarded.

If there is any concern about the quality of the vaccine or any information is not readable on the label, manufacturers have advised providers to throw out the vaccine to maintain a safe operation.  That can mean things like:

1) A vial does not have a readable label or expiration date and cannot be used;

2)  There is particulate matter or “floaters” present in the vial and all 5 doses are wasted;

3) A vial is partially filled and none of the contents can be used;

4) Equipment malfunction, such as a bent needle, recapping issues, or the plunger is depressed accidentally; and

5) Draw-up issues like having a bubble in the syringe or a needle stick injury or an error mixing the dose.

These are issues that occur any time vaccines are given, particularly during large volume operations (this is not an exhaustive list of ways that vaccine doses can be unusable). Any large vaccine administration site that claims that “no doses are wasted” is not operating safely or not being honest about wasted doses.

Persons in key elected and appointed positions should be honest and transparent with the people of Arizona. We deserve at least that.  

Do the Current and Upcoming Vaccines Cover the New Variants?

The data are still coming in, but so far it looks like the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are close to equally protective for the new UK strain. It’s also looking like both vaccines are less effective against the south African strain because some of the mutations on that variant code for the protein coat (that’s the queue that the immune system uses to build antibodies, B cells and T cells (see our discussion of the immune system in these previous posts Part I and Part II). 

Because there is a wide margin of safety for the protective threshold of neutralizing antibody action against the virus- the vaccine is still protective of that strain as well (although at a lower level- perhaps 70% protective against infection or so).

A new study was published this week entitled mRNA Vaccine-elicited Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 and Circulating Variants. You can read the study yourself, but basically they found that people who have been vaccinated had high antibody titer levels of IgM, and IgG that are highly effective at neutralizing the virus. Interestingly, it found no difference in the memory B cells when comparing people that were fully vaccinated compared to people with a natural infection.

They found that the UK (B1.1.7/501Y.V1), South Africa (501Y.V2) and Brazil (B1.1.28/501.V3) have a reduced antibody neutralization potency compared to the classic strain.  However, those differences had “comparatively modest” effects on viral sensitivity.

The study does forecast, however, that:

it is possible that these mutations and others that emerge in individuals with suboptimal or waning immunity will erode the effectiveness of natural and vaccine elicited immunity. The data suggests that SARS-CoV-2 vaccines may need to be updated and immunity monitored in order to compensate for viral evolution.”

Johnson & Johnson and Vaccine Data Encouraging

The Company is Expected to Apply for Emergency Use Authorization This Week

Johnson & Johnson announced (but have not published) encouraging results of their Phase III Clinical Trial. Their press release (not published data) said that their clinical trial of 43,783 participants “met all primary and key secondary endpoints”. The topline safety and efficacy data are based on 43,783 participants accruing 468 symptomatic cases of COVID-19.

They say that their vaccine candidate: 

“… was 66% effective overall in preventing moderate to severe COVID-19, 28 days after vaccination. The onset of protection was observed as early as day 14. The level of protection against moderate to severe COVID-19 infection was 72% in the United States, 66% in Latin America and 57% in South Africa, 28 days post-vaccination.”

Here is the info from the full media release: Johnson & Johnson Announces Single-Shot Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate Met Primary Endpoints in Interim Analysis of its Phase 3 ENSEMBLE Trial

Note: Globally and in the U.S. this is a very important vaccine. It is simple, inexpensive, doesn’t require complicated storage and handling, and perhaps most important is a single dose vaccine. In the U.S., it will be a terrific addition to our current vaccines because it’s perfect for doctor’s offices and pharmacies. Because it’s single dose, it will be a lot less labor intensive. In developing nations, it would be a game changes for the same reasons and because it is inexpensive to make.

Here’s A Good Webinar Called “How Vaccines Work” that Will Help Your Employees Make Informed Decisions

I’ve had several requests to have Zoom conversations with organizations to help educate their staff about the SARS CoV2 vaccines that prevent COVID-19. I’ve been able to do a few of them but because my time is limited these days I can’t do them all. But- there are some good resources out there for this. The best one that I know of was done by the UA called “ How COVID-19 Vaccines Work”


Deepta Bhattacharya, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Immunobiology

Karl Krupp, Ph.D. Research Associate, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health

Here’s where to WATCH the webinar and here are the Presentation materials

I also had a session for the Arizona Association for the Education of Young Children which might be helpful as well… here is a link to that conversation:

What Has Community Vaccination Safety Monitoring Showing So Far?

One of the main things that scares people that are vaccine hesitant is the fear that they might get an allergic reaction to the vaccine.  We know that allergic reactions were super-rare in the clinical trials  (each of which followed about 30,000 people). Now that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have been deployed – we have even more data demonstrating that allergic reactions are extremely rare.

More than 4,000,000 vaccines have been given in the community now (100x times more people than a clinical trial), greatly expanding our knowledge about the safety of the vaccines.  The CDC will be publishing reports on what has been happening in the field regarding vaccine safety from time to time.

Last Thursday CDC published in new MMWR entitled: Allergic Reactions Including Anaphylaxis After Receipt of the First Dose of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine: December 21, 2020–January 10, 2021

The report found, as expected, that so far allergic reactions to the vaccines have been exceedingly rare. Between December 21, 2020 and January 10, 2021 there had been 10 allergic reactions to the vaccine among the more than 4,000,000 people that have received a dose. That’s equal to 2.5 cases per million doses.  In 9 of the 10 cases the reaction happened within 15 minutes of vaccination. No anaphylaxis-related deaths were reported.

Dr. Gerald’s Weekly Epidemiology & Hospital Capacity Report

This week saw a meaningful decline in Covid-19 cases which now clearly represents a real decrease in viral transmission
. This decline is accompanied by reductions in hospital and ICU occupancy. Reductions in mortality should follow. While this reprieve is welcomed, the absolute level of SARS-CoV-2 virus transmission remains exceptionally high.

As of January 24th, new cases were being diagnosed at a rate of 557 cases per 100,000 residents per week. This rate was declining by 150 cases per 100,000 residents per week. Despite this improvement, no other state is experiencing faster transmission than Arizona according to the CDC. Because of this, Arizona has moved up 2 positions to the 6th hardest hit state since the outbreak began.

Arizona is reporting >800 Covid-19 deaths per week (>115 per day) and this count may underestimate true fatalities by half (see WoolfWoolf, or Weinberger). Many of these deaths were preventable if the state had more aggressively adopted evidenced-based public health practices. Arizona’s weekly tally of deaths now ranks second in the nation. Overall, we rank 10th.

The Arizona Public Health Association released a report on all-cause mortality during the Covid-19 pandemic. The main finding is that all-cause mortality was 23% higher in 2020 than 2019 with the months of July and December being outliers with 64% and 61% higher mortality, respectively. This translates into approximately 15,000 excess deaths.

The Arizona Public Health Association also released a report that describes the chronological course of the Covid-19 outbreak in Arizona and chronicles the state’s response or lack thereof. 

Hospital Covid-19 occupancy is declining in the ward and ICU. However, access to care for Covid-19 and non-Covid patients remains restricted in ways that are difficult to understand owing to changes in care practices.

Hospitals continue to postpone many scheduled procedures to create additional capacity for Covid-19 patients at the expense of others with serious medical conditions.

Health professionals are being asked to work additional hours and assume duties outside their traditional scope of practice.

The test positivity rate for traditional nasopharyngeal PCR testing declined for the third straight week, dropping from a peak of 35% to 29% this past week. Nevertheless, our testing capacity is wholly inadequate to the scale of the problem and other regions.

So far, 1110 per 100,000 (1.1%) Arizona residents have received at least 2-doses of vaccine while 6044 per 100,000 (6.0%) have received at least 1-dose. Arizona vaccination roll-out places us in the bottom half of US states. To date, Arizona has administered only about one-half of its delivered doses

Here is the full weekly report, which includes all of the informative graphs.

How Are the SARS CoV2 Vaccines Being Monitored for Safety Now That Vaccination is Underway??

All vaccines, including the Pfizer and Moderna SARS CoV2 vaccines that are being deployed right now are continually monitored for safety using the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) monitoring system. VAERS is managed jointly by the CDC and FDA and monitors for problems or “adverse events” that happen after vaccination.

In addition to the tried and true VAERS system, there are several additional safety systems in place for the SARS CoV2 vaccines.  Here’s a summary of the various safety monitoring systems that are being used.


Data from the system gives the CDC and FDA important information that might signal a problem. If it looks as though a vaccine might be associated with an adverse event, the FDA and CDC investigate further.  Healthcare providers, patients and caregivers can report into the VAERS system. The CDC and FDA encourage anybody who experiences any problems after vaccination to report to VAERS. Healthcare providers are required by law to report certain problems.

Vaccine Safety Datalink

Scientists use the VAERS data and the CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) to do studies that investigate vaccine safety.  VSD is a network of eight managed care organizations across the United States. Scientific teams use VSD in two ways.

First, scientists can look back in medical records to see if a particular adverse event is more common among people who have received a particular vaccine.

Second, they use Rapid Cycle Analysis to continuously look at information coming into VSD to see if the rate of certain health conditions is higher among vaccinated people. When potential adverse events or trends are identified a more in-depth review is conducted.


The CDC has also implemented a new system called V-safe or After Vaccination Health Checker which is in place specifically for the SARS CoV-2 vaccines. V-safe is a smartphone-based tool that uses text messaging and web surveys to provide personalized health check-ins after you receive a COVID-19 vaccination.

Through v-safe, you can quickly tell CDC if you have any side effects after getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Depending on your answers, someone from CDC may call to check on you and get more information. V-safe also reminds you to get your second COVID-19 vaccine dose if you need one. Here is the V-Safe After Vaccination Health Checker website.

In-depth Review for Sensitive Subpopulations

Additional COVID specific safety investigations are being planned for sensitive sub-populations. For example, there are a number on initiatives underway including:

1) the FDA and CMS are collaborating on an in-depth review of vaccinated seniors through Medicare;

2) the VA is conducting an in-depth review of veterans that get vaccinated;

3) the FDA is reviewing in depth among certain insured groups through the BEST and PRISM sites;

4) IHS will have a specific review for their members; 5) the Department of Defense will be specifically looking into adverse events among active duty personnel and; and 6) Genesis Healthcare will specifically be studying long-term care residents.

You can review the overarching safety monitoring in this COVID-19 vaccine post-authorization safety monitoring update.

Vaccine Manufacturing Safety

In addition, FDA regularly inspects vaccine manufacturing facilities to make sure they are following strict regulations. Vaccines are manufactured in batches called lots, and vaccine manufacturers must test all lots of a vaccine to make sure they are safe, pure, and potent. Vaccine lots cannot be distributed until released by FDA.

CDC Adds New Vaccine Data to COVID-19 Data Tracker 

Earlier this week, CDC began publishing new COVID-19 vaccination data on the CDC COVID Data Tracker, including: 

  • Total number of doses administered.

  • The number of people receiving one or more doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

  • The number of people receiving two doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

  • A breakdown of overall vaccine administration by manufacturer.

Student Intern Blog

During Fall 2020, public health undergraduate student interns collaborated with health department staff and Mel and Enid College of Public Health faculty and staff to complete community engagement projects on behalf of the Academic Health Department Initiative. The students created a blog summarizing their experiences. Read on! Student Intern Blog | Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health (

Journal Article of the Week:

Evolution of antibody immunity to SARS-CoV-2 (

Memory responses are responsible for protection from re-infection and are essential for effective vaccination. The observation that memory B cell responses do not decay after 6.2 months but instead continue to evolve, is strongly suggestive that individuals who are infected with SARS-CoV-2 could mount a rapid and effective response to the virus upon re-exposure.