WHEREAS, The Arizona Public Health Association has on numerous occasions taken a position of support for Arizona’s inclusion in the Federal Title XIX, Medicaid Program; and

WHEREAS, There is a widespread disparity in the level of health care made available to Arizona’s indigent population, this disparity indicating varying degrees of compliance
by county Boards of Supervisors with A,,R S. 11-291; and

WHEREAS, The Arizona Legislature since passing Arizona’s Medical Assistance Program law has consistently refused to appropriate funds in order to implement the Medicaid Program; and

WHEREAS, In the face of legislative, local governmental and supposed public opposition co Medicaid the Governor of the State of Arizona has continually articulated his support for this much needed health care program; and

BE IT RESOLVED that the Arizona Public Health Association commends Raul R. Castro, Governor of Arizona for his sympathetic understanding of the health needs of Arizona’s indigent populations as indicated by his support for Arizona’s inclusion in the Medicaid Program; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Arizona Public Health Association expresses its disappointment and concern at the callous attitude expressed by the majority of the members of the Arizona State Legislature and the majority of the members of the various county Boards of Supervisors towards the health care needs of the less than fortunate members of our society.

PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the membership of the Arizona Public Health Association the 30th day of September, 1977, Flagstaff, Arizona.

75~1977_(1) Appropriations to fund federal title xix, medicaid program (legislation, insurance)