Arizona Public Health Association Annual Meeting
September 17, 1987


WHEREAS, Arizona’s rural and urban inner city areas suffer from higher unemployment rates, higher percentages of people living in poverty, lower educational attainment, overcrowded housing, higher percentage of ethnic minorities and the elderly, and
Arizona suffers from a significant maldistribution of health manpower in these areas, and

WHEREAS, The Arizona Legislature has previously acknowledged the State’s unmet health care needs and access problems, and
The Federal government has acknowledged the gravity of the problem of maldistribution of health care professionals in Arizona, and has funded for a limited time the establishment of Area Health Education Centers (AHECs), and

WHEREAS, The Arizona Area Health Education Center (AzAHEC) Program is designed to reduce the maldistribution of health care professionals by providing a learning resource system in underserved areas for
the various health professionals, including dentistry medicine, nursing, pharmacy, health education.

THEREFORE: social work, health service administration, medical social sciences, physical therapy, allied
health, dental hygiene and nutrition, and

Over 30 states now have AHECs, many with state financial support, The Arizona Public Health Association believes that the AzAHEC Program is meeting an urgent state need and encourages the Arizona State Legislature to provide financial support to expand and continue this program in Arizona.

Accepted by Board of Directors 8-21-87, to be presented to the membership for approval at the next Annual Meeting.

Presented to the Membership at the 1987 Annual Meeting, 9/16/87

110~1987_(1) AZ area health education centers (education, disparity, legislation)