CDC is updating the 2016 CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain. Both healthcare professionals and members of the public who experience acute or chronic pain have expressed interest in understanding the recommendations outlined in the draft updated Guideline, and CDC highly values public and partner engagement and feedback in this process.

Visit the Federal Register to provide your comments on the draft Guideline update

You can visit their webpage detailing the process of updating the Guideline. Encourage people you know who have direct experience with the role of opioids in pain care and the importance of the patient-clinician relationship to visit the Federal Register, review the draft update to the Guideline, and add their perspectives to the Federal Register Notice

Submit and Comment

See below for instructions to submit a comment during the public comment period. More detailed instructions can also be found on the Federal Register Notice (FRN) webpage and in the FRN for this document.  

To locate the FRN and view the draft of the updated Guideline, you can either:   

To submit a comment to CDC, please view the methods outlined in the FRN under the “Addresses” heading and select which option you prefer:

Electronic comments via