When an AZPHA Board Member leaves before their term is up our AZPHA by-laws say the President appoints the replacement. That happened recently, and we’re pleased to announce that our President, Sena Clendaniel, has appointed Dr. Rebecca Sunenshine as a Public Representative on our Board.
Dr. Rebecca Sunenshine has served in federal, state and local public health for the last 21 years, most recently as the Chief Medical Officer for the Maricopa County Department of Public Health.
She’s a retired Captain in the US Public Health Service and previously served for 18 years as a CDC Career Epidemiology Field Officer assigned to the ADHS for 4 years and Maricopa County Public Health 15.
She’s trained as an infectious disease epidemiologist with specialties in internal medicine and infectious diseases from the Oregon Health & Science University and completed the CDC Epidemic Intelligence Service Fellowship in the Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion in 2006.
Her more than 60 publications include a broad range of public health topics including coccidioidomycosis, healthcare associated infections, vectorborne disease epidemiology and the health effects of heat.
Please welcome Dr. Sunenshine to our Board of Directors!
Note: AzPHA currently has an open Board Officer position of Treasurer. If you’re interested in serving please contact our President, Sean Clendaniel at [email protected]. You can see the Treasurer responsibilities in our AZPHA By Laws