1953 Appropriations of Funds to Stop Tuberculosis


WHEREAS Tuberculosis is the leading cause of death among the infectious an contagious diseases in Arizona and

WHEREAS Tuberculosis took the lives of 492 persons in Arizona in 1951, of which 427 were state residents and

WHEREAS The death rate from tuberculosis in Arizona is from two to three times that of the national average and

WHEREAS Arizona has provided an inadequate number of hospital beds for those who are incapable of meeting the high cost of tuberculosis treatment, and those persons are potential carriers of the disease to anyone else throughout the length and breadth of our state with whom they come in contact; and

WHEREAS, Nationally circulated magazines having millions of readers have carried the shameful story of Arizona’s high tuberculosis disease and death records, thereby bringing scorn, fear and ridicule of Arizona to those readers; and

WHEREAS, The undersigned residents of the State of Arizona are deeply con­cerned for the health and welfare of their loved ones, friends and acquaintances, all fellow citizens of this sovereign state; and

WHEREAS The honorable members of the Arizona. State Legislature currently are undertaking a study of the tuberculosis problem to determine the best possible means of meeting the tuberculosis conditions; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, The members of the Arizona Public Health Association do hereby respectfully urge the honorable members of the Arizona State Legislature to appropriate whatever sums are necessary, and to take ‘Whatever other action is required to halt the spread of tuberculosis, in conformance with the findings of the many ex­perts available, and the tuberculosis study committee of the
Legislature .

Adopted by the Arizona Public Health Association
Yuma, Arizona April 17, 1953

33~1953_(1)Approp of funds to stop TB (infectious disease, legislation)

1953- Tuberculosis Hospital


WHEREAS Arizona continues to have the greatest tuberculosis problem of any State in the Unions and

WHEREAS Arizona has an acute shortage of beds for the hospitalization of tuberculous patients; and

WHEREAS The State of Arizona does not have even one modern adequate tuber­culosis hospital; and

WHEREAS Experience has shown that hospitals located in isolated areas face difficulties in obtaining and holding adequate staff and specialized professional consultive services and

WHEREAS Long distance transportation of food and supplies adds to the cost of care and creates problems in emergencies both to the institution and to the families; and

WHEREAS Nearness to friends and family contributes to the mental contentment and early recovery of patients; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED That the Nurses’ Section of the Arizona Public Health Asso­ciation go on record as being opposed to use of the proposed abandoned Jerome Hospital for a State Tuberculosis Hospital; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Nurses Section go on record as favoring con­struction by the State of a new, modern, adequate hospital building to be located in a more accessible area; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a copy of this resolution be sent to each State Legislator and to the Governor and each member of the Governor’s Committee on Tuberculosis Control, and to the State Tuberculosis and Health Association. ·

Adopted by the Arizona Public HealthAssociation
Yuma, Ari z ona

April 17, 1953

34~1953_(1)Opp use of TB Jerome Hospital, facilities (infectious disease, legislation)

1953- Public Health Nursing in Every County


WHEREAS PublicHealth Nursing is an indispensable part of a good community health programs and

WHEREAS The State of Arizona has six counties which do not have the service of even one public health nurses therefore

BE IT RESOLVED That the Nurses’ Section of the Arizona Public Health Association go on record as recommend­ing that every effort be made to provide public health nursing services in every county

Adopted by the Arizona Public Health Association Yuma, Arizona
April 17, 1953

36~1953_(1)Provision for PH nursing services in every county (public health infrastructure)

1953- Appreciation Yuma


WHEREAS The success of t he Twenty – third Annual Meeting of the Arizona Public Health Association in Yuma, April 15-18, has been largely due to the fine efforts and coopera­tion of many individuals and organizations; and

WHEREAS It would not have been possible to complete preparations for the Twenty-third Annual. Meeting without the support of these individuals and organizations; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED That the Arizona Public Health Association ex­presses its sincere appreciation and thanks to Mr. Raymond K. Collley and the Yuma Chamber of Commerce, Diretor A. I. Podolsky, the Yuma County Health Unit , Mr. Sam B. Heickert and the Del Sol Hotel , the Yuma Daily S1m, the Yuma Radio stations, the Fraternal Order of Eagles the Business and Professional Womens’ of Yuma, Mr. Keith Blossom and the Lily Tulip Cup Club

Corporation, Mrs. Marlene Cole , the Speaker, and all other participants for contributing so generously of their time, facilities, and financial assistance.

Respectfully submitted

April 17, 1953
Adopted by the Arizona Public Health Association Yuma, Arizona

1957- Registration Act for Sanitarians


WHEREAS The practice of sanitation is a noble calling from service viewpoint, and of real significance to the public and,

WHEREAS Sanitation does involve a science of substantial extent and of considerable difficulty in its mastery by a prospective, practitioner, and;

WHEREAS Sanitation does require a constant use of that science, in daily practice and continued study throughout his working life, and;

WHEREAS Sanitation emphasizes a strict code of ethics upon all its practitioners in their relations to each other, to their employers and to their public clientele, and;

WHEREAS Sanitation is adequately connected in the educational system both for career making purposes and in the form of general survey courses for the lay student and;

WHEREAS Sanitation strives to attain public professional recognition of the calling, as a whole, through a large and ever growing percentage of its practitioners who in their daily -work are meeting the adopted professional, educational and ethical standards;

BE IT RESOLVED by this convention body of the Arizona Public Health Association that the passage of a RegistrationAct for Sanitarians containing appropriate standards and examin­ations be endorsed by this body for enactment by the legislative bodies of the state of Arizona

Cooper, Supervisor of Milk Sanitation
Arizona State Department of Health Chairman, Resolution Committee

Dated May 8, 1957

38~1957_(1)Registration Act for Sanitarians (food safety, legislation)

1957- Support of School Nursing Certification


WHEREAS School nurses have worked for many years to obtain certification; and

WHEREAS Certification of school nurses is a step forward in providing the community with qualified nursing in the schools now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED That the Arizona Public Health Association support the Arizona State Nurses’ Association whatever program they carry out to promote certification of school nurses.

Respectfully submitted RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE

Presented to the Arizona Public Health Association May a, 1957
39~1957(1) Support of School Nursing Cert (public health infrastructure)

1957- Public Health agencies to encourage Public Health Education


WHEREAS The federal government has appropriated funds for traineeships and advanced training for public health workers; and

WHEREASn It is an established fact that public health edu­cation improves the effectiveness and productivity of the worker and the efficiency of the agency which the worker represents; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED That public health agencies urge their employee to take advantage of opportunities for public health education and provide educational leave for this purpose.

Respectfully submitted RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE

Hazel Shields, Chairman
Keith Maddy, Member

Present ed to the Arizona Public Health Association May 8, 1957

40~1957_(1) PH agencies to encourage PH edu (PH education)

1957- Appreciations for annual Meeting


WHEREAS The success of the Twenty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Arizona Public Health Association in Phoenix, May 6-8, has been largely due to the fine efforts and cooperation of many individuals and organization’s and

WHEREAS It would not have been possible to complete preparations for the Twenty-ninth Annual Meeting without the support of these individuals and organizations; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED That the Arizona Public Health Association express its sincere appreciation and thanks to the very fine group of speakers of the American Public Health Associa­tion and to all the representatives of the UnitedStates Public Health Service and other federal, state and county organizations whose contributions have helped to make this 1957 convention a success to the Borden Company for very enjoyable social hour, to Hotel West­ ward Ho for their many courtesies to the Honorable
Jack Williams, Mayor of Phoenix, for his greetings and all other participants for contributing so generously of their time, facilities assistance.

Respectfully submitted
P. Shields, Chairman

Albert Borza

Presented to the Arizona Public Health Association May 8, 1957

41~1957_(1)App Borden Co, Hotel Westward HO, Jack Williamse etc (appreciation)

1957- Invite to Allied Public Health Orgs


WHEREAS It is the opinion of the Resolutions Committee that many persons outside of the public health profession have a great deal to contribute to public health thinking and programs; and

WHEREAS The committee believes that formal invitations to participate in Arizona Public Health Association meetings should be directed to representatives of organizations which have expressed an interest in public health; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED That the ExecutiveCommittee of the Arizona Public Health Association be directed to invite representatives of these organizations to participate in the 1958 meeting of this association

Respectfully submitted RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE

Albert Borza, Member

Presented to the Arizona Public Health Association May 8,1957

44~1958_(1) Invite to allied PH orgs (AzPHA personel)