1951 Budget Approval, basic salaries


WHEREAS, The salaries of public health employee have nd kept pace with the rising cost of living, and

WHEREAS, these trained public servants are even more essential in times of national emergency to preserve the public health and welfare, and,

WHEREAS , failure to adjust inadequate salaries at this time might well resUlt in trained people leaving the public health field for more lucrative positions, now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED: That an immediate study be made, prior to the current budget approvals, with a view to periodic adjustment of
basic salaries to fit the rising cost of living

Helen Rotthaus, chairman
Resolution Committee.
Glenn Lester

May 18, 1951
Mesa, Arizona
28~1951_(1)Budget approval, adjustment of basick salaries (AzPHA personel)

1949- Appreciation

WHEREAS, the 19th Annual meeting of the Arizona Public Health Association, held in Prescott May 12 and 13, 1949, has been an out­standing success, and

WHEREAS, it is the consensus of those members present that an
expression of appreciation should be tendered to those individuals and organizations who have contributed so unselfishly of their time and effort in preparation for and the conduct of the meeting, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that our gratitude and thanks be extended to to

Dr. C E, Yount, c. W. Strubee and members of the Local Arrangements committee who did such excellent work in arranging accommodations, meeting places and social events,

Mr. Frank R. Williams, Dr. J. P. Ward, O. V. Cooper and members of the Program Committee who were responsible for the planning, assembling and arrangement of such a fine program,

Dr. Robert Rothermel, who contributed so greatly to the success of the meeting as moderator and speaker,

Senator Sam Head, whose fine speech at Friday banquet was so enthusiastically received,

Dr. Nicholas Pelletier and his gracious staff at the Hassayampa Hotel, for making our stay a pleasant one; Mayor Seale, the City of Prescott, and the Prescott Chamber of Commerce, for the gracious hos­pitality extended, us
Miss Dorris Rakop and her able assistants for their efficient job of registration of members and guests,

Our sincere thanks to the following concerns for their generous support which made possible the various social functions: Arizona Pest Control Association, Associated Dairy Products Company, Bordens Creamery , Clark Drug Company, Co-Op Dairy, Incorporated, Cutter Laboratories, Lily-Tulip Company, Pacific Western Enterprises, Roy, L Perry Company,
Surge Dairy Equipment, Swift & Company, Westward Ho Dairy, and Wyandotte Steri -Clor .

To our officers, committees and to all who in anyway contributed to the success of this meeting, we hereby express our gratitude.


Resolutions Committee:
John Turnre Priscilla Pell on June Littrell

26_19th anuual meeting and thank you

1951- Special Session State Legislature, Funds Civil Defense

Whereas the Arizona Public Health Association has in Conference assembled in Mesa, Arizona, on this 17th day of May 1951, to discuss Public Health and National Defense and

Whereas the Civil Defense Program of Arizona cannot be organized until sufficient funds are made available for its operation after July 1, 1951 and

Whereas the Civil Defense Program is dependent upon the State Legislature for funds.

Now, Therefor Be it Resolved that:

1. If a special session of the State Legislature is called for the consideration of other matters, the appropriation of funds for the activation of Civil Defense be included in the call, or

2. In the event other matters do not make a special session necessary, a special session be called for the purpose of appropriating funds for the activation of the State Civil Defense Program

29~1951_(1)Special Session State Legislature- funnds Cival Defense (legislation)

1951 – Appreciation


WHEREAS, the twenty-first annual convention of the Arizona Public Health Association has been held in Mesa, May 16-18, 1951, and

WHEREAS, the success of the meeting has been greatly enhanced by the contributions so generously made by members and participants, now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED: That we extend our sincere thanks and appreciation for his participation to Frank Williams for his outstanding keynote address and helpful discussion at the various workshop sessions, to Dr. Clearance Salsbury and Dr. James Ward and members of there staffs for their many and varied contributions to the success of the convention.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That expressions of appreciation be extended to Mr. C Bullock and his local arrangements committee to Mayor Crimson, Dr. George Truman, the City of Mesa, Mesa Chamber of Commerce and the management of the Maricopa Inn for the hospitality shown us during our stay in this city.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That sincere thanks be extern.ed the various manufacturer’s representatives whose generous and thoughtful hospitality have greatly added to the gaiety and enjoyment of the evening festivities,

Helen Rotthaus Chairman
30~1951_(1)Appreciation Gov Pyle, Dr. Robert Zobel, Dr. Clarence Salsbury annd Dr. James Ward etc. (appreciation)

1953 Life time Membership


WHEREAS The Arizona Public Health Association has reached its twenty- .fifth anniversary ; and

WHEREAS The very existence or this organization has been due to the untiring and unselifsh efforts of many people;

WHEREAS Charter members of the Arizona Public Health Association, who have served so zealously for twenty – five years, should receive just recognition for their fine work; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED That t he membership of the Arizona Public Health Association, in general conference assembled, dedicate to these charter members the tribute of a Life Membership in, the Association, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That these charter members be presented a certificate of merit and life membership by the President or the Association to show the respect in which they are held by all members .

Adopted by the Arizona Public Health Association
Yuma, Arizona April 15, 1953

31~1953_(1)Life membership (AzPHA personel)

1953 – Appreciations

The Laboratory Section did not elect officers at this meeting. If the 1954 annual meeting is held in one of the larger cities they will elect officers, otherwise they will probably meet with the sanitarians section again and will not elect officers.

Mr. Williams congratulated the new section officers

A telegram received from the City of Winslow, inviting the Arizona Public Health Association to meet there next year, was read by President Williams.

The meeting was turned over to Miss Jefferson I. Brown, the new, President.

The Association expressed a vote of thanks to the out going officers

Miss Brown announced that there would be a meeting of the new Executive Committee immediately following, this session.

There being no further business to come before the Association, the Twenty-third Annual Meeting of the Arizona Public Health Association was adjourned.


WHEREAS The success of the twenty-third Annual Meeting of the Arizona Public Health association in Yuma, April 15-18, has been largely due to the fine efforts and coopera­tion of many individuals and organizations; and

WHEREAS It would not have been possible to complete preparations for the Twenty-third Annual meeting without the support of these individuals and organizations; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED That the Arizona Public Health Association ex­presses its sincere appreciation and thanks to Mr. Raymond M. Cowley and the Yuma Chamber of Commerce, Doctor A. I. Podolsky, the Yuma County Health Unit, Mr. Sam B Reickert and the Del Sol Hotel, the Yuma Daily Sun, the Yuma Radio Stations, the Fraternal Order of Eagles, the Business and Professional Women’s Club of Yuma Mr. Keith Blossom and the Lily Tulip Cup Corporation, Mrs. Maxine Cole, the Speakers, and all other participants for contributing so generously of their time, facilities and financial assistance

32~1953_(1) Appreciations mr Raymond Cowley, Yuma Chambe of Commerce Dr. AI Podolsky etc. (appreciation)

1953 Appropriations of Funds to Stop Tuberculosis


WHEREAS Tuberculosis is the leading cause of death among the infectious an contagious diseases in Arizona and

WHEREAS Tuberculosis took the lives of 492 persons in Arizona in 1951, of which 427 were state residents and

WHEREAS The death rate from tuberculosis in Arizona is from two to three times that of the national average and

WHEREAS Arizona has provided an inadequate number of hospital beds for those who are incapable of meeting the high cost of tuberculosis treatment, and those persons are potential carriers of the disease to anyone else throughout the length and breadth of our state with whom they come in contact; and

WHEREAS, Nationally circulated magazines having millions of readers have carried the shameful story of Arizona’s high tuberculosis disease and death records, thereby bringing scorn, fear and ridicule of Arizona to those readers; and

WHEREAS, The undersigned residents of the State of Arizona are deeply con­cerned for the health and welfare of their loved ones, friends and acquaintances, all fellow citizens of this sovereign state; and

WHEREAS The honorable members of the Arizona. State Legislature currently are undertaking a study of the tuberculosis problem to determine the best possible means of meeting the tuberculosis conditions; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, The members of the Arizona Public Health Association do hereby respectfully urge the honorable members of the Arizona State Legislature to appropriate whatever sums are necessary, and to take ‘Whatever other action is required to halt the spread of tuberculosis, in conformance with the findings of the many ex­perts available, and the tuberculosis study committee of the
Legislature .

Adopted by the Arizona Public Health Association
Yuma, Arizona April 17, 1953

33~1953_(1)Approp of funds to stop TB (infectious disease, legislation)

1953- Tuberculosis Hospital


WHEREAS Arizona continues to have the greatest tuberculosis problem of any State in the Unions and

WHEREAS Arizona has an acute shortage of beds for the hospitalization of tuberculous patients; and

WHEREAS The State of Arizona does not have even one modern adequate tuber­culosis hospital; and

WHEREAS Experience has shown that hospitals located in isolated areas face difficulties in obtaining and holding adequate staff and specialized professional consultive services and

WHEREAS Long distance transportation of food and supplies adds to the cost of care and creates problems in emergencies both to the institution and to the families; and

WHEREAS Nearness to friends and family contributes to the mental contentment and early recovery of patients; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED That the Nurses’ Section of the Arizona Public Health Asso­ciation go on record as being opposed to use of the proposed abandoned Jerome Hospital for a State Tuberculosis Hospital; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Nurses Section go on record as favoring con­struction by the State of a new, modern, adequate hospital building to be located in a more accessible area; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a copy of this resolution be sent to each State Legislator and to the Governor and each member of the Governor’s Committee on Tuberculosis Control, and to the State Tuberculosis and Health Association. ·

Adopted by the Arizona Public HealthAssociation
Yuma, Ari z ona

April 17, 1953

34~1953_(1)Opp use of TB Jerome Hospital, facilities (infectious disease, legislation)