1977 – Requirement of record of immunization


WHEREAS, Arizona State legislation passed in 1976 mandated that beginning in the 1977-78 school year, children on first entering elementary school must present a record of immunization prior to enrollment; and

WHEREAS, the County Health Departments were designated instruments in providing these immunization services; and

WHEREAS, to date no additional monies have been alloca­ ted to fund these increased services

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Nursing Section of the Arizona Public Health Association requests that the Director of the Arizona Department of Health Services include in the Department’s appropriations budget sufficient funds to carry out the counties’ responsibilities in providing immunizations as directed by A.R.S. 26-629.

The resolution was tabled by the membership of the Arizona Public Health Association on the 30th day of September, 1977, in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Arthur F. Mello, D.D.S. President

72~1977 _(1) Requirement of record of immunization (legislation, immunization)

1977 – Family Life Education in School


WHEREAS, the Arizona Public Health Association shares a concern with other professionals who work with teenagers in the state about the increased incidence of adolescent pregnancies; and

WHEREAS, The economic health and social consequences of adoles­cent pregnancies can be harmful to both the teenager and the baby;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that as a professional organization we,
1. Encourage each school district in Arizona to review and study its curriculum dealing with family life education;
2. Encourage each school district, if it has such a curriculum to update and improve its curriculum;
3. Encourage each school district without such a curriculum to consider adopting a curriculum of family life education appropriate to the district;
4. Request that the State Department of Education, in consultation with Arizona Medical Associations Family Life Education Committee, compile a resource guide for Family Life Education to be made available to local education agencies on an as requested basis.
S. Concur with existing State Education Board policy that a curriculum dealing with family life education is a matter to be dealt with by the local school district and should involve a high degree of parental involvement.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Arizona Public Health Association supports the Arizona Board of Education’s April 25, 1977, resolution relating to Family Life Education in the schools.

PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED BY the membership of the Arizona Public Health Association, on the 30th day of September, 1977, Flagstaff, Arizona.

Arthur F. Mello, DDS President

73~1977 _(1)Family LIfe Education in School (reproducitve health,education) )

1977-Conflicts in self-regulation of certain industries


WHEREAS, In 1976 the membership of the Arizona Public Health Association expressed concern about possible conflicts in the self-regulation of certain industries and

WHEREAS, These concerns were specifically directed towards the Livestock Sanitary Board having the statutory responsi­bility for retail meat inspection and the Dairy Commissioner having the statutory responsibility for dairy and dairy products inspection; and

WHEREAS, Further investigation has shown that there are not ties between the offices of the Dairy Commissioner and the Dairy Industry; and

WHEREAS, By virtue of H.B. 2047 the authority and responsibility for the inspection of meat and meat products at the retail level was returned to the appropriate authorities; and

WHEREAS, Further investigation indicates that the staff of the Dairy Commissioner’s Office is fulfilling its respons­ibilities in an unbiased and professional manner,
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Arizona Public Health Association commends the members of the State Legislature for their responsible actions in the support and passage of
H.B. 2047, and

BE IT THEREFORE FURTHER RESOLVED that the Association commends the staff of the Dairy Commissioner’s Office for the professional manner in which they are discharging their responsibiliti.es

Passed, adopted and approved by the membership of the Arizona Public Health Association on the 30th day of September, 1977, Flagstaff, Arizona

74~1977_(1) Conflicts in self-regulation of certain industries (food safety, legislation)

1977- Appropriations to fund federal title xix, medicaid program


WHEREAS, The Arizona Public Health Association has on numerous occasions taken a position of support for Arizona’s inclusion in the Federal Title XIX, Medicaid Program; and

WHEREAS, There is a widespread disparity in the level of health care made available to Arizona’s indigent population, this disparity indicating varying degrees of compliance
by county Boards of Supervisors with A,,R S. 11-291; and

WHEREAS, The Arizona Legislature since passing Arizona’s Medical Assistance Program law has consistently refused to appropriate funds in order to implement the Medicaid Program; and

WHEREAS, In the face of legislative, local governmental and supposed public opposition co Medicaid the Governor of the State of Arizona has continually articulated his support for this much needed health care program; and

BE IT RESOLVED that the Arizona Public Health Association commends Raul R. Castro, Governor of Arizona for his sympathetic understanding of the health needs of Arizona’s indigent populations as indicated by his support for Arizona’s inclusion in the Medicaid Program; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Arizona Public Health Association expresses its disappointment and concern at the callous attitude expressed by the majority of the members of the Arizona State Legislature and the majority of the members of the various county Boards of Supervisors towards the health care needs of the less than fortunate members of our society.

PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the membership of the Arizona Public Health Association the 30th day of September, 1977, Flagstaff, Arizona.

75~1977_(1) Appropriations to fund federal title xix, medicaid program (legislation, insurance)

1977- Support at affiliate and national levels


WHEREAS, Clerical members of Public Health Associations have provided considerable input and continued support at both the Affiliate and National levels; and

WHEREAS, This support and input has been generally unrecognized; and

WHEREAS, Clerical and administrative support personnel are not generally recognized as having an identifiable role within the public health system; and

WHEREAS, There has been considerable confusion at the Affiliate level with the name “Secretarial Section” when in fact, the section is intended to include all clerical personnel as well as administrative aides and assistants

BE IT RESOLVED that the members of the Secretarial Section urge the members of the American Public Health Association to recognize support personnel by supporting the for Administrative Support Section; and

FURTHER RESOLVED that the Affiliate organization extend this
recognition to the national level by urging the American Public Health Association to recognize the establishment of an Administrative Support section within the American Public Health Association; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that program content at the National and Affiliate meetings include material relevant to administrative support personnel.

Passed, adopted and approved by the membership Public Health Association, on the 30th day of Flagstaff, Arizona. September, 1977,

76~1977_(1) Support at affiliate and national levels (AzPHA personnel)

1977-Public funds for Abortion


WHEREAS, The Arizona Public Health Association passed a resolution in 1971 to actively promote liberalization or abolishment of the then currentArizona laws concerned with abortion; and

WHEREAS, The recent developments in the U.S. Congress would limit the freedom of choice to only those women able to pay for the service desired; and

WHEREAS, The Association feels that such limitation will perpetuate a dual standard of health c.are between the affluent and less fortunate members of our society and

WHEREAS, The Association wishes to prevent a return to the back alley abortion mills with their very serious consequences for the poor; and

WHEREAS, The Association supports the concept of the right of the individual to control her reproductive life; and

WHEREAS, The Association supports the concept of ready availabi­lity of abortion facilities to all groups and classes
of women

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Association promotes defeat of the Hyde antiabortion amendment which encourages states not to expend public funds for voluntary abortion for indigent women.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Arizona Public Health Association encourages Counties’ Boards of Superviso.rs to provide funds for elective abortions for that segment of the population for whom they have the responsibility to provide health services.

PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED BY the Membership c£ the Arizona Public Health Association on the 30th day of September, 1977, Flagstaff, Arizona.

77~1977_(1) Public funds for abortion (reproductive health, abortion, legislation)

1979- Support of National Environment Health Association

Whereas the Arizona Public Health Association membership includes
sanitarians from all parts of Arizona in its Environmental Health Section; and

Whereas giving support to one section of the Association will benefit the whole Association; and

Whereas the sanitarians of the Arizona Environmental Health Association will be hosting the National Environmental Health Association Convention in the year 1981.

Therefore be it resolved, that the Arizona Public Health Association will lend its support: to the Arizona Environmental Health Association in its efforts to host a national convention in Phoenix in 1981; and

Be it further resolved by the Arizona Public Health Association that every effort will be to insure a successful convention of the National Environmental Health Association in Phoenix on June 21, 1981 through June 25, 1981.

80~1979_(1) Support National Enviromenntal Health Association(misc)

1980- Prioritized List of Health Concerns

Prioritized List of Health Concerns

The Arizona Public Health Association recognizes that there are many health concerns throughout the State of Arizona; and

Whereas these concerns may develop wi thin the county, and/or at the State level; and

Whereas these concerns may affect a portion of the population or the general population as a whole; and Whereas each health problem within the State draws attention wi thin the Association; and

Whereas these concerns may have been in existence for many years or be of recent origin; therefore

Be it resolved, that the Arizona Public Health Associa­tion, on a yearly basis, will address itself to prioritizing a list of health concerns within the State; and

Be it further resolved that a copy of chis list, with or without recommendations for specific action, be sent co the Governor, the Legislature and the Director of the Department of Health Services

82~1980_(1) Prioritized list of health concerns (misc)

1980- Section Involvement Within the Association

Section Involvement Within the Association

Whereas the Arizona Public Health Association consists of sections of varying interests ( administrative support, environmental health, health education, medical care, nursing and special services) ; and

Whereas issues develop within the sections that may or may not be of general public knowledge; and Whereas the Arizona Public Health Association potentially provides a useful source for disseminating infor­mation and developing support;

therefore the Executive Committee of AzPHA Encourages that each section submit to the Executive Committee of AzPHA issues of importance to its membership; and

Further encourages each section to submit a minimum of one resolution a year, no later than one month prior to the Associations annual meeting; and Recommends that each section inform AzPHA as to which
ways the Association could best serve the section on said issue.

83~1980 _(1)Section involvement, resolution (AzPHA personnel)