Maricopa County Public Health Launches mySidewalk – Shedding Light on the Impact the Pandemic Has Had on People’s Lives

As you may have heard, the Voices of Maricopa County Dashboard has officially launched! Created in collaboration with mySidewalk, this interactive dashboard illustrates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on community health by combining population data with the lived experiences of Maricopa County residents. 

In it, you’ll find:

  • The top community health and social needs expressed by county residents;
  • Data collected from the Maricopa County Department of Public Health designed COVID-19 Impact Survey and Focus Groups, including 14,380 survey responses and feedback from 186 focus group participants;
  • Eye-opening quotes from residents describing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on their lives;
  • An opportunity for users to send their own stories which may be featured on the dashboard; and 
  • Valuable insight for community organizations and policymakers looking to support the improvement of community health

The dashboard is free, easy to use, and doesn’t require a log-in to access. You’re welcome to read the press release for further details. You can begin exploring at:

AzPHA Letter to Senators Sinema & Kelly Expressing Support for Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

August 2, 2022

Dear Senators Sinema & Kelly:

The membership of the Arizona Public Health Association urges you to support the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. We’re very enthusiastic about how the Act finally makes necessary investments in climate and clean energy. The critical investments and incentives in the Act provide the impetus for our nation and Arizona to reduce carbon pollution that’s driving climate change while giving a much necessary boost to Arizona’s clean energy economy.

While we’re encouraged that the Act will finally allow Medicare to begin negotiating prices beginning in 2026, we’re disappointed that the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 doesn’t include the more aggressive and fiscally responsible provisions of H.R. 3 (Lower Drug Costs Now Act of 2019). Those provisions would have allowed Medicare to negotiate the price of between 25-125 brand-name drugs (w/o generic competitors) in 2023 and apply the negotiated price available Medicare, Medicaid & private payers.

Incorporating H.R. 3 into the Act would have also set an upper limit for the negotiated price equal to 120% of the Average International Market price paid by Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and the UK. It would have also had a much better compliance system, giving HHS authority to impose financial penalties on drug companies that don’t negotiate in good faith.

We’re also pleased the Act has closes current unreasonable tax loopholes with the 15% minimum tax for very large corporations and closes the carried interest loophole for hedge fund managers.

While we’re disappointed the Act doesn’t transform prescription drug pricing like it could have, we nevertheless believe the package provides critical public health and environmental benefits, and we urge you to support the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.



Will Humble, MPH

Executive Director,

Arizona Public Health Association

Is A Federal Monkeypox Public Health Emergency in the Offing?

Last week the World Health Organization declared the monkeypox epidemic a Global Health Emergency. California, New York and Illinois have done the same this week. Is the U.S. likely to do the same? When and why would they make such a declaration?

Declaring a public health emergency has a few main purposes: 1) changing policies that you can’t change in a non-emergency; 2) offering contracts you usually can’t offer; and 3) accessing emergency funds that are off limits unless it’s an emergency.

Here’s the Act under which a PH emergency can be declared: (BTW: Health & Human Services Secretary Becerra would declare the emergency, not President Biden)

If Becerra declares an emergency, it will give him a fair amount of added authority to change policy, reassign staff and access emergency funds like:

  • Make grants and enter into contracts and provide supplies, equipment, and services, and reassign HHS staff to work on monkeypox.
  • Allow HHS to access emergency money in the Public Health Emergency Fund to rapidly respond to immediate needs resulting from the PHE
  • Allows CDC to access the Infectious Diseases Rapid Response Reserve Fund
  • Allows HHS to waive certain HIPPA regulations (I can’t see them needing to do that)

There are other authorities a declaration gives HHS agencies- but those are the main things. Interestingly, releasing stuff in the Strategic National Stockpile (e.g., monkeypox/smallpox vaccine) doesn’t require an emergency declaration.

Here’s the list of PH emergencies. Lots of declarations for weather events. For infectious diseases there have been declarations for COVID (of course) but also Zika and H1N1 influenza. Public Health Emergency Declarations

At least for now, it looks like HHS doesn’t intend to declare an emergency. That could change if the new White House monkeypox coordinators (FEMA’s Robert Fenton & Dr. Demetre Daskalakis from Region 9 HHS) determine that an emergency declaration is needed to implement strategies & operations to combat the monkeypox outbreak.

President Biden Announces Team to Lead Monkeypox Response

‘Inflation Reduction Act of 2022’ Gets a C- for Cutting Prescription Drug Prices

If the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 ends up passing in the U.S. Senate in the next couple of weeks, you’ll no doubt hear politicians and even some stakeholders praise the legislation as historic and transformative when it comes to prescription drug price reform.

I guess it’s fair to say the Act is historic because Medicare would finally be able to negotiate the price of a handful of drugs (in 2026). But the bill IS NOT Transformative. While Medicare will eventually be able to negotiate price – they’ll be limited to negotiating price of just 10 drugs in the first year & not until 2026. The next year (2027) they can negotiate the price of 15 more.

The drug pricing reforms in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 are anemic. With a little more backbone, we could have had real price reform. As it is, it’s like bringing home a C- on your report card. Congress still gets credit for the class, but it’s certainly nothing to brag about.


For the last 20 years, all Americans have been getting ripped off by pharmaceutical companies. The heist began when a prescription drug benefit was added for Medicare enrollees (Medicare Part D). Drug company lobbyists made sure Congress wrote the law to prohibit Medicare from negotiating drug prices.

As a result, Medicare is held hostage by drug companies and Medicare pays 300% more for prescription drugs than in Europe or Canada, and close to 10x higher than in developing nations. That means every American who gets a paycheck is paying way more than necessary for prescription drugs. We’re ALL being scammed (not just Medicare beneficiaries) because Medicare is financed with a (regressive) payroll tax.

Medicare Part D is financed by Medicare Trust Fund payroll tax revenue (71%), Part D premiums (17%) and state payments for people dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid (12%)The Medicare Payroll Tax is regressive. People that earn a paycheck pay a 1.45% tax on wages up to $200,000. Income above $200K is only taxed at 0.9%.

The House of Representatives had our back- passing meaningful reform that would have saved real dollars. Sadly, the Senate allowed the drug lobbyists to take the wheel last week- largely selling out to Big Pharma.

So, What’s in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 RE Drug Prices?

The good part of the deal is that Medicare will finally be able to (eventually) start negotiating drug prices.

The bad news is Medicare can’t start negotiating for 3.5 more years (2026) and even then, they can only negotiate prices on 10 of the thousands of name brand drugs covered under Medicare Part D. Medicare would be able to negotiate the price of 15 more drugs in 2027 & a few more the next year- but make no mistake- this is still a win for Pharma because this just nips at the margins of the heist.

Among the handful of drugs for which Medicare can negotiate price, the upper limit price is supposed to be 75% of the non-federal average manufacturer price, between 9-12 years after the drugs’ approval; 65% for drugs between 12-16 years post-approval; and 40% for drugs more than 16 years past their approval date.

By contrast, the drug price reduction passed by the House of Representatives (H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act of 2019) would have allowed Medicare to negotiate the price of between 25-125 brand-name drugs without generic competitors in 2023 with the negotiated price available Medicare, Medicaid & private payers.

President Biden’s plan went even further than H.R. 3 by allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices across the board. Under his proposal, drug companies could only set prices based on the rate of inflation after it’s determined how much they’ve invested and what a reasonable profit constitutes. Once Medicare negotiates a lower drug price, employer-based plans would get access to the same drug for the same price as Medicare.

Another drawback in the Reconciliation deal is that many of the drugs that would be eligible for Medicare negotiation today, would not be in 2026. Consider the blood thinner Xarelto, or Soliris (for hemoglobinuria) or the multiple myeloma drug Revlimid which targets auto-immune disorders. All four drugs will have generic competition by 2026 but none of them would be subject to Medicare price negotiation if the package passes as-is.

The Act does require rebates from Pharma when they increase their drug costs faster than inflation, but because Medicare won’t be able to drive hardly any launch prices, the drug companies will probably just drive up the launch prices to compensate for the inflation provision.

The Act does a couple things to limit out of pocket costs – eliminating the 5% coinsurance requirement above the Medicare Part D catastrophic threshold and adding a $2,000 cap on Part D out-of-pocket spending in 2025. While these things will help reduce out of pocket costs for some Medicare members, these provisions do nothing to help the Medicare Trust Fund- in fact it makes things even worse because the Medicare Trust Fund will pick up the tab for the out-of-pocket costs that will be eliminated.

The bottom line is that passing the prescription drug pricing provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is better than nothing- but it’s certainly not something to write home about because it’s not a real solution. We could have done so much more.

How Would the Prescription Drug Provisions in the Senate Reconciliation Proposal Affect Medicare Beneficiaries? | KFF

‘Inflation Reduction Act of 2022’ Poised to Invest in Clean Energy; Make Tepid Changes to Prescription Drug Pricing

While bills pass or fail in the US House of Representatives with a simple majority, it generally takes 60 votes to get bills through the US Senate. An exception is that votes for ‘budget bills’ can pass with a simple majority. But, to qualify as a budget bill the Senate Parliamentarian must decide the elements of a bill fit the standards as a ‘budget bill’.

If the Parliamentarian agrees then the bill can sidestep the self-imposed Senate filibuster rule. Budget bills are often referred to as Reconciliation bills.

Last week Senators Schumer & Manchin announced a surprise deal on a FY 2022 reconciliation package that includes climate and clean energy provisions, reform to drug procurement within Medicare and some adjustments to tax policy. The bill, called the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, is expected to be voted on in the Senate next week.

The draft agreed to by Schumer and Manchin invests approximately $370 billion in clean energy over the next 10 years – less than the $555 billion hoped for in the original Build Back Better legislation – but would be the largest climate investment in U.S. history.

While analysts are modeling the legislation now, sponsors of the bill suggest the bill would put the U.S. on a path to roughly 40% emissions reduction by 2030. President Biden praised this development and gave remarks on the bill earlier today encouraging Congress to pass and send to his desk immediately.

Revenue in the deal includes a 15% corporate minimum tax on book income and changes to carried interest treatment. Cost savings are booked due to tepid prescription drug pricing reform. Added expenses include energy and climate-related investments and an extension of Affordable Care Act premium subsidies.

Before the Senate can vote on the package the Senate Parliamentarian will need to certify that the bill qualifies as a budget bill (meaning it’ll just need 50 votes to pass).

Senate leadership hopes to pass the bill before recess (August 4), but procedural delays could make floor action slip into the following week. It is unclear if the House Speaker will call the House back into session in mid-August to pass the bill or wait until after Labor Day (if it passes the Senate).

Arizona Opioid Prescribing Rules Being Modified

ADHS is considering making changes to the opioid prescribing rules they promulgated a few years ago. Their draft rulemaking eliminates some of the more burdensome provisions of the rule that have been shown to be unsupported by evidence. Here are some of the highlights:

  • eliminates the requirement that a hospital obtain informed consent from an inpatient before the administration of an opioid.
  • grants hospitals more flexibility in how inpatients are educated on the risk and benefits of opioids.
  • grants hospitals more discretion on whether to conduct a substance use risk assessment on an inpatient who may receive opioids as part of treatment.

The rule incorporates the new law that passed last session allowing patients with chronic, intractable pain who have an established relationship with the prescribing medical practitioner to be able to get more than the 90MME cap.

Comments on the draft rule are due July 31 through an online survey found here.  

2022-07-20 PPAZ’s Response to AG’s Rule 60(b) MT FILED – DocumentCloud

More Meaningful Prescription Drug Price Reform That Could Have Been

The US House of Representatives previously passed a measure called “H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act of 2019” which would require HHS to negotiate the price of between 25-125 brand-name drugs without generic competitors. That negotiated price would be available Medicare, Medicaid, and private payers. Importantly, HR 3 also provides negotiating leverage to HHS.

It would have set an upper limit for the negotiated price equal to 120% of the Average International Market price paid by Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and the UK.

It would have also imposed financial penalties on drug companies that don’t comply with the negotiating process. Manufacturers that don’t negotiate would face an escalating excise tax on the previous year’s gross sales of the drug in question, starting at 65% and increasing by 10% every quarter to a maximum of 95%.

President Biden’s plan went even further than H.R. 3 by allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices across the board, not just on 25–125 drugs (ending the drug companies into a panic).

He proposed allowing Medicare to negotiate a fair drug price for all drugs – including the costs of the research and development and a reasonable profit. Drug companies could then only set prices based on the rate of inflation after it’s determined how much they’ve invested and what a reasonable profit constitutes. Once Medicare negotiates a lower drug price, employer-based plans would get access to the same drug for the same price as Medicare.

Sadly, deep-pocketed lobbyists have the upper hand in the Senate- and if drug pricing reform happens this session in Reconciliation- it’s likely to be the watered-down version negotiated by Senator Sinema that makes some changes to drug pricing but is far less transformational than H.R. 3 would have been.

Is A Deal to Reduce Prescription Drug Prices Finally Here?

For the last 20 years, all Americans have been getting ripped off by pharmaceutical companies. The heist began when a prescription drug benefit was added for Medicare enrollees (Medicare Part D). Drug company lobbyists made sure Congress wrote the law to prohibit Medicare from negotiating drug prices.

As a result, Medicare pays 300% more for prescription drugs than in Europe or Canada, and close to 10x higher than in developing nations. That means every American who gets a paycheck is paying way more than necessary for prescription drugs.

We’re ALL being scammed, not just Medicare beneficiaries, because Medicare is financed with a (regressive) payroll tax.

Medicare Part D is financed by Medicare Trust Fund payroll tax revenue (71%), Part D premiums (17%) and state payments for people dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid (12%)Employers & employees each pay a 1.45% tax on wages up to $200,000 (2.9% total) into the Trust Fund. Individuals (not employers) pay a 0.9% tax on income above $200,000 per year (no upper limit).

Because Medicare is paid for by a payroll tax, everybody who earns a paycheck is getting ripped off by drug companies- even if they’re not enrolled in Medicare and even if they don’t even take prescription drugs!

Negotiations are currently underway in DC to include reform of drug pricing through the budget reconciliation process. The details of the negotiations are being kept under tight wraps, but last October a negotiated compromise had been circulating that would make some modest prescription drug pricing reform (although it was watered down from the President’s proposal).

Previous AzPHA Blog Posts:

The plan that was shopped around last October would have reduced some out-of-pocket costs for seniors enrolled in Medicare Part D, but the Medicare Trust Fund will continue to be fleeced.

Here’s a summary of what the weakened October 2021 compromise bill included:

The first changes would come in 2023 when there will be a limit on annual price increases for existing drugs and out-of-pocket cost limits for insulin for Medicare beneficiaries.

There would be modest penalties if companies raise prices faster than inflation. The formula for penalties will consider prices charged to private health insurance to prevent them from shifting exorbitant prices to private health insurance.

In 2023, Medicare enrollees with diabetes would only have to pay $35 monthly copays for all insulin products covered by their prescription plan. People with private insurance would be able to also have their insulin co-pays capped a $35 copay.

Note: This policy will help the actual patients but will raise private health insurance premiums because the actual price that the drug companies charge health plans will continue to be unreasonable.

In 2024, there will be a cap on out-of-pocket costs for people enrolled in Medicare Part D (the prescription drug part of Medicare). The people that will benefit the most from the out-of-pocket caps will be folks with cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and those who take combinations of expensive medicine for complicated health problems. Out-of-pocket caps would be $2,000 a year (the current annual out-of-pocket average for Part D people is $3,200 (2019).

A year later (2025), Medicare would FINALLY begin to be able to negotiate price with drug companies on a handful name-brand drugs, but drug companies will still be able to set launch prices for new meds. Medicare would only be able to negotiate the price for 10 drugs that year. The number of medicines with negotiated prices would slowly grow over time reaching 100 in several years.

For the 10 drugs that would be able to be negotiated under last October’s proposal, there will be a ceiling on the Medicare price that’s 60% of the existing market price. If the drug manufacturer doesn’t accept the negotiated price, the federal government can take up to 95% of the gross receipts from all sales (not just Medicare). But remember, this provision only applies to 10 of the thousands of drugs Medicare covers.

The drug company lobbyists were able to get to certain members of the Senate to get huge concessions on what would have otherwise been a strong bill:

  • Drug companies will still be able to set launch prices for new meds under Medicare;
  • Drug companies were able to limit the number of drugs whose prices can be negotiated (10 drugs beginning in 2025, but slowly increasing to more drugs over the years);
  • Numerous super-expensive medications are exempt from negotiation (half of the top 25 Medicare drugs care can’t be on the negotiation list); and
  • The first negotiation start date was pushed back several years (to 2025).

The October ’21 proposal didn’t use drug prices in the G7 nations as Medicare’s yardstick (greatly weakening the ability of Medicare to use overseas drug costs as a yardstick to compel honest negotiations).

The negotiations last October would have achieved tepid pricing reform. Not what we could have achieved, but it’s better than nothing.

World Health Organization Declares Monkeypox a Global Health Emergency

The Director-General of the World Health Organization declared monkeypox a global health emergency yesterday. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (the Director General) made the decision despite the fact that the WHO’s expert committee didn’t reach a consensus on whether to apply the highest level of alert to the virus.

Ghebreyesus made the decision despite a lack of consensus among the WHO committee (the Director General called himself the “tiebreaker”). Note: This is the first time a U.N. health agency chief has unilaterally made such a decision without an expert recommendation.

While a global emergency is the organization’s highest alert level, it doesn’t always mean a disease is highly transmissible or lethal. Similar declarations were made for the Zika virus in 2016 in Latin America and the ongoing effort to eradicate polio.

It’s unclear what exactly the designation will do to help mitigate monkeypox, but it might spur more investment in combatting the disease with vaccines etc. International collaboration among the member nations of the WHO generally improves when an emergency is declared.

WHO Recommended Control Measures

Monkeypox on the Rise in Arizona: What You Need to Know

Maricopa County Department of Public Health issued a press release this week announcing an increasing number of monkeypox cases.  While there are just a couple dozen cases under investigation (29 cases statewide as of this morning), there are probably many more in the community that are going undiagnosed. When a case is reported to MCDPH they do a case investigation and contact tracing.

Close (sexual) contacts of people who tested positive for monkeypox are offered the JYNNEOS smallpox/monkeypox vaccine (JYNNEOS is approved for both smallpox and monkeypox). Because the vaccine is given after the exposure, it’s called post exposure prophylaxis.

Why is the Monkeypox Vaccine in Short Supply When There Are 100 Million Doses in the Strategic National Stockpile?

Finding cases is harder than you might think. It’s unlikely than primary care and urgent care providers have ever seen a monkeypox case in their career. There’s also a learning curve for them when they do suspect a case because they need to figure out how to collect a specimen for laboratory testing, how to package it and where to send it. Complicating matters, in this outbreak, the rash is presenting in the genital/anal area.

There’s more and more evidence for pre-symptomatic spread- which is always an impediment for implementing effective control measures. In fact- whether there’s pre-symptomatic spread of monkeypox is probably a determining factor whether this outbreak can be stopped or whether this becomes an endemic illness.

Note: We badly need a new MMWR from the CDC to answer some of these key questions so county health departments and clinicians know how to proceed.

County health departments are urging clinicians to consider monkeypox in their differential diagnosis for patients who have a rash consistent with monkeypox and epidemiological risk factors for exposure to monkeypox (CDC link). 

Monkeypox testing is now commercially available.  Quest DiagnosticsLabCorp and Mayo Clinic Laboratories offer commercial testing, but clinicians need to can contact their commercial laboratory provider to determine the logistics for testing. 

Specimen collection involves swabbing a lesion vigorously with two sterile synthetic swabs with a plastic, wood, or thin aluminum shaft (no cotton swabs). Break off the end of each swab’s applicator into a 1.5-or 2-mL screw-capped tube with O-ring or place the entire swab in a sterile container. Store in a refrigerator or freezer within an hour of collection.

Here’s the laboratory specimen collection guidance for LabCorp, Quest Diagnostics, Mayo Clinic or CDC

Most people with monkeypox virus have a self-limiting disease course without treatment, however, a drug called Tecovirimat is approved by the FDA for the treatment of smallpox in adults and children and may be effective for the treatment of severe monkeypox virus.

WHO chief: Monkeypox now a global emergency